
Living in KC, it's tough to know how well known or popular Boulevard is beyond the KC area, but Tank 7 really is the shining example of their beers. It's the one beer I insist visitors try out if they aren't familiar.

A heart rate sensor? I don't think I would wear this watch while I was doing any sort of physical exercise where I'd want that info. I don't think I'd feel comfortable putting a presumably expensive watch through that kind of abuse. &

It's a sad day when a child realizes that every depiction they've seen on TV or in the movies of high school and/or college is a fucking lie.

To be fair, women are one of many things the NFL doesn't care about. Drug use, dog fighting, the health of their own players, pretty much anything that isn't money. If you're a player that makes money for the NFL, you can do any horrible thing to others or yourself and the NFL will keep you on the field. But like a

Since Marvel is in no danger of losing the rights to their characters, they're much more free to let Tony Stark step aside for a while and let the fan base get hungry again for more Iron Man to the point where they don't care about a re-casting. It also helps that they have plenty of other great characters to fill

There must have been a ton of people trying to steal from Apple maps.

I had the pleasure of cancelling my TWC service for Google Fiber. As I was in a good mood that day, I let the customer service rep run through his script and answer a few questions about why I wanted more internet speed than I could possibly use and it was done. He clearly had a job to do but wasn't surly or

Way to use music from England and the US to walk out to.

I picked up a Chromebook a year ago on a whim, and I've been really surprised how little I needed more than a browser on the go. I still have a PC at home for running a few miscellaneous applications, but they're nothing I need to do away from home (and there's always remote desktop if I did need anything). Of

I'm surprised that 200 and 201 never "leaked" online somewhere. I would think Stone and Parker would want their fans to see an unedited version of it at some point.

Democrats face real problems when unions come in conflict with the general public rather than a small number of employers. It's easy for party leaders to denigrate the employers as greedy and exploitative, but it's much more difficult when the employers are removed from the situation and the customers have a direct

It wouldn't surprise me if most politicians feel privately that marijuana shouldn't be prohibited, especially the Tea Party Republicans who skew more libertarian. If they can frame their votes on this as an issue of states' rights, then they're more likely to support it in a public vote. When a politician says they

Any teenager with athletic ability and some college aspirations knows where there are available scholarships, and it's not in men's soccer. The lack of support for collegiate soccer causes a bottleneck where even the best potential soccer players are smart to find a spot on a football roster if they want to snag a

Child support was just an example of something that could be sold as "helping the children" while ignoring the obvious consequences. That's why requiring the paternity to be revealed when the kid turns 18 should be dropped as well.

On an unrelated note, you have the best avatar.

Might as well go the full distance and make those donors responsible for child support as well. That'll help those kids even more! So long as those lawmakers had the best of intentions, you can't blame them for the painfully obvious and predictable consequences.

Similarly, does 0.000000... equal 0?

I wonder how difficult it would be for an airline to refuse to carry passengers who are not vaccinated (without medical cause). Or for a daycare to refuse to admit children who are similarly unvaccinated without medical cause. Or for a school to segregate those same children from the rest. I don't believe that

It's a pipe dream to believe that the same investment made in public transportation would persuade enough people to stop driving cars to have the same safety effects. Public transportation will never come close to the convenience and flexibility of driving a car for most people outside of the densest cities. As