
Considering that they’re currently willing to work as cheerleaders for whatever meager pay or other intangible benefits they receive, why should they expect more? If it’s so shitty, they should up and quit like any other reasonable person would. Jerry Jones isn’t holding a gun to their head (as far as I know, this

I have absolutely no basis for this whatsoever, but I kinda believe that if someone had discovered a source of energy that was inexpensive, compact, and dense, that it would have been hidden from humanity. Not to keep the fossil fuel businesses afloat but because of how easy it would be to turn into a weapon of mass

As someone who isn’t particularly interested in the NFL, I can’t help but notice how time after time, they fuck over their fans, their cities, their players, their players’ victims, and pretty much anyone involved who isn’t an owner or commissioner. Fuck them all.

I’m surprised by the not holding your money up tip. If I’m walking up to a bar which is surrounded by fully occupied seats and other patrons standing behind those seats and all I can do is squeeze an arm in between two seated patrons, I figure the bills in my hand are a better signal that I’m ready to order a drink

George Brett laughed so hard that he shit his pants.

If your costume requires you to change the tone of your skin color to look like another human being (KISS excluded), then the rest of your costume is an absolute failure. If your costume is good enough, then you don’t need face paint for people to get that you are a gay fish.

Don’t forget about that moment a few months after the breakup when things seem to be returning to normal and you’ve resumed some amicable interactions with your ex and then they casually mention the new person they’re dating and you completely fall apart inside. Good times.

Even at my drunkest at the ballpark, I can’t imagine throwing a beer I just paid $10 for.

I know Kauffman has carts selling only cans of beer, so you can buy one quickly without having to wait in line behind the guy ordering food and sodas for his whole family.

The Democrats have much better candidates than those who stood on stage, but they’re not foolish enough to try to run against Hillary. Hillary is a terrible candidate to represent the Democratic party based upon her experience and record, but the party has made up it’s collective mind that Hillary is the best chance

The Dixie Chicks stood on that stage with a mic in front of them because of the popularity of their music, not because of their political views. I don’t doubt the sincerity of their opinion, but it’s childish for them to expect their fans who disagree with that opinion to continue to support them when that support

Here’s a nice gift for anyone recruiting against VT.

The sad part here is that 10 is really the perfect number of teams in a conference. You get to play everyone once in football and twice in basketball. It’s a lot harder to develop any sort of rivalry with a team from another division you only play two out of four years.

Hamm’s is my favorite beer flavored beer. By that, I mean it tastes like the beer my dad gave me a sip of when I was a kid. That’s the nostalgia I’m after when I order a can of Hamm’s, Old Style, or even PBR if I can overlook the hipster attachment. It makes for a nice cheap and temporary diversion from both

Has Hillary Clinton ever taken an unpopular principled stand on any issue? Her entire career in politics has seemed to be one where she coasts by on her husband’s legacy, shifting her stated positions whichever way the wind is blowing. Granted, it’s great when she does come around on a topic like this one, but it

There's never a shortage of people willing sell you a story about how you're the real victim. It's not that hard for anyone to pull together a collection of anecdotes, isolated incidents, or carefully selected statistics which clearly indicate that your group is actually being oppressed, and that the only reason you

The problem with Stewart running for office is that he would never be as effective as he was as a comedian. A large part of his political philosophy/comedic stance is looking at the myriad of ways our government is royally fucking up, which makes for an easy and unending target, and calls out those in charge for

This is all clearly the media's fault for asking him "Why are you here? Is it so you won't get fined?" 25 times.