It's pretty easy to point toward countries like Qatar with their record on rights and advocate for a boycott of these countries as a means to push them towards reforming their laws. In reality, the more they engage with other liberal democracies in the rest of the world, the more they see the value in extending these…
Can anyone explain why these strippers need to be licensed in the first place? What compelling government interest is involved here? Does stripping occasionally involve operating heavy machinery or performing minor dental procedures?
All I can imagine going through these coaches' minds is "You want to play this sport, you want to get better at this sport, you supposedly want my help to make you better at this sport, and yet you're fucking around at practice and not paying attention to me when I'm only trying to help you." I'm pretty sure I…
All of this just makes me realize that the cost of these fines is built into the price of every Beats headphones, along with every jagoff celebrity endorsement. The price of every Bose headphones includes whatever they're paying the NFL. Audio-Technica FTW.
I have to believe that this is indicating the fandom of these schools overall, not just their football programs. There's no other reason why most of the state of Kansas would be fans of Kansas football over Kansas State. Those have to be basketball fans.
Figuring out how much you get paid per hour is helpful when making other decisions about your time. If I'm travelling for personal reasons, it makes it easier to justify the higher cost of a flight over the time spent driving if both are an option. It also helps with what services are worth paying for versus taking…
Dear teenage girls,
I enjoy beers like PBR, Hamms, Old Style, and Schlitz simply because they taste like the beer my dad gave me a sip of when I was a kid. Whether you think they're good or bad, they have a distinctive flavor while other cheap beers seem to strive for inoffensive flavorlessness so you don't get tired of them while…
Living in KC, it's tough to know how well known or popular Boulevard is beyond the KC area, but Tank 7 really is the shining example of their beers. It's the one beer I insist visitors try out if they aren't familiar.
It's a sad day when a child realizes that every depiction they've seen on TV or in the movies of high school and/or college is a fucking lie.
To be fair, women are one of many things the NFL doesn't care about. Drug use, dog fighting, the health of their own players, pretty much anything that isn't money. If you're a player that makes money for the NFL, you can do any horrible thing to others or yourself and the NFL will keep you on the field. But like a…
Way to use music from England and the US to walk out to.
Any teenager with athletic ability and some college aspirations knows where there are available scholarships, and it's not in men's soccer. The lack of support for collegiate soccer causes a bottleneck where even the best potential soccer players are smart to find a spot on a football roster if they want to snag a…
Child support was just an example of something that could be sold as "helping the children" while ignoring the obvious consequences. That's why requiring the paternity to be revealed when the kid turns 18 should be dropped as well.
On an unrelated note, you have the best avatar.
Might as well go the full distance and make those donors responsible for child support as well. That'll help those kids even more! So long as those lawmakers had the best of intentions, you can't blame them for the painfully obvious and predictable consequences.
Sterling could hold a press conference every day of the rest of his short life and spout off on any vile subject he chooses, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do to stop him. That's what the First Amendment protects. What it doesn't do is protect you from the social consequences of your speech. The NBA, like…
I laughed hardest at Titanfall's "Featuring "Prime Time", a new song by Linkin Park."
I was in Lawrence after Kansas won the championship in '08, and I've never had more respect for how the police handled the situation that night. They were all dressed in their standard uniforms and mostly just asking people to pour out their beers and climb down off of stuff. They went through the entire night…