
Oy, these people. Leave the management shit to management. Stay in your lane.

Yeah, Gawker writers get paid by the word, and nobody in charge particularly cares, except out of some attempt at ethics, whether or not the words are accurate.

Well, I’m out since the letters are going to be voted on via social media (after first pass) and I know my sob story isn’t good enough.

If you think they’re going to read 68,000 individual letters and not just pick one out of a hat you’re pretty a trusting fellow.

so it’s a raffle

I’m enjoying the dumb-dumbs you flushed out. 

Yes, a sense of humor.

Calm down. It was only 14 hours.

How long is her set that she can spend almost 5 minutes of it pontificating on the Trouble With Louis with the least interesting take possible?  

What is the deal with current events? Am I right? Like, enough already! No more current events!

Fetus Abortus is a 3rd year spell

Kinja is definitely, objectively massively worse than Disqus. And I’m someone who used to bitch about Disqus all the time back on the real AVClub. Such innocent times.

This site used to have Disqus. And hundreds of comments on every article. Sometimes thousands.

Ah, yes, the feined outrage of the scum of the earth who only want to look down on someone else.  

It’s outrage culture...        OMG, you did something bad a long time ago.   We all collectively hate you now, forever!

...or maybe you usually call them “wife beaters.” Given the fact that you didn’t put quotes around the term (to indicate it’s a term you don’t use yourself), it comes off as such.

I find it interesting that you have a problem with the headline (evoking stereotypes) while yourself making use of the term “wife beater.” 

I’m not taking Brooner’s side, but I fail to see how a twenty-odd year old sexual assault conviction is relevant to this matter...

Why must you down load it over WIFI.

I don’t have a solid WiFi connection just gigabit ethernet. Can I still download it since YOU WILL NEED solid WiFi???