
What do you expect? Her name looks like it's been hit by a truck.

Oh crap, my PC doesn't have WiFi. It's just plugged into the modem with an Ethernet cable.

Pure dumb luck from the title, really? You do realize there was advertising, right? Television commercials and everything. Critics aren’t the only means of distributing knowledge that a movie exists.

Does it even matter if he really wanted to have a wine, cheese and sex party? Is a man not allowed to ask a woman out any more?

I'm sure most of that $300,000 was spent on the expensive champagne, while Jameson and Jack was what they actually wanted to drink. It's not a waste of money to buy what you want. It's a waste of money to try to impress snobs.

Harvey Weinstein has already applied for the position. 

Most movies don't accomplish anything worthwhile. Do you only watch the few movies that really manage to mean anything, or do you just like applying a double-standard to nudity?

Giving in to political correctness and changing the character to placate the social media mob would also be an act of cowardice. 

They should just passive-aggressively bring it out one plate an hour until he leaves.

The first season was the best season.

Maybe he blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building because he really hated Mad Magazine.

This should be cross-posted to Lifehacker.

A spammer was punched to death. Nothing of value was lost.

I wonder which is the more common fantasy: quitting your job to travel the world, or swerving your car into a pack of cyclists.

If the NFL wants to actually make the game safer, they need a rule that effects nearly every play. That’s the whole point! Any rule that wouldn't change behavior is just a PR stunt.

I saw the movie first. I like both of them, for very different reasons. I don't really care how close a book is to a movie. I just want both to be good.

Does that mean Jeff Bezos is the best athlete in the world?

If a man had “buttons” that have to be avoided, that could make him uncontrollably yell at a perfectly calm partner, people would agree that the man is abusive.

The Warriors can relax now that they don’t have to worry about holding a 3-1 lead.

If some scratches in bamboo ruin something for you, you’re a snob.