The only people this affects are other tourists.
The only people this affects are other tourists.
How can the author dislike Metacritic and enjoy Gone Home? The metacritic score made that game as popular as it is.
They’re playing games. The unique thing about games is that they have gaming mechanics, and those mechanics can have depth. If you want stories, characters, art direction, etc. you can watch TV. Pacman has more gaming-related art to it than any collection of cut scenes and violence/puzzles that people call artistic…
If the 6 hour game was really good, people would play it more than once.
If it’s really 5 hours of happiness and 35 hours of hating yourself, some people are going to quit and bring down that average play time.
The people in the World Trade Center would much rather have heard “yanny” or “laurel” instead of the deafening sounds of a collapsing skyscraper.
How can Hank Azaria voice a character from a different ethnicity than his own? Where’s the outrage?
Those 4 games against the Raptors made the Cavs forget how to beat a team that’s trying to win.
But think of the marketing opportunities!
My hobby is shitting on other people’s hobbies, hypocrite.
If Tim Duncan is a center, Draymond Green is a center, too.
Delos wants to see its rich, powerful guests act on their dark fantasies. A wholesome zoo world doesn’t cut it.
Racists might enjoy it. I wonder if there is a PlantationWorld.
It looks like the future has moved beyond outrage culture. The Native Americans in Westworld got a pass, even though they seem like monsters in their storyline.
I’m going to show my kids how to find free porno, to keep them away from this toxic Youtube and Instagram stuff.
Ryan Reynolds originally wanted to title the film “Deadpool 2: Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors”.
I hope he takes Albert Breer and Andy Benoit with him, so I can start reading SI again.
Starred for Robin Williams’s suicide.
The actors on Westworld are pretending to kill the hosts. What’s the difference between a park-goer acting out the killing of a host and the actor playing out the killing of a host? Does this make Ed Harris a psychopath?
Traveling to the gas station more often will cost more than whatever he saves from the weight difference.