
Stinky, rotten, vomiting, vile New Orleans!

Yes, they’re all bad. Ballet and opera are bad, too.

It’s not only steals. He leaves his man for better rebounding position.

This is going to be in the greys forever...

Right - flip the genders and the writer would never tell a 40-year-old man to go have some flings with 20-year-old women.

Golden State has done all right starting Andrew Bogut, Zaza Pachulia and JaVale McGee, even though everyone knows they get better matchups with Draymond Green at center. The Spurs let Tim Duncan play power forward. They were all right, too.

You can’t have a farm without killing some animals.

You don’t know the meaning of fungible, do you?

His players got tired of him jumping up onto the lockers to show off the bulge in his pants.

Does Pete have an erection?

They were able to get away with it because they were a couple of white women virtue signaling with a bunch of adopted black children.

Oh, who doesn’t own an interocitor these days?

Give the first 8 picks to the playoff teams that lose in the first round, with a simple lottery of one ball for each of them. Then do the non-playoff teams, from best to worst. If a team wants a #1 pick it should rent some free agents and squeeze into playoffs. Any team should be able to give that a try.

This will change the whole complexion of the Raiders’ punting game.

Hey, I remember Zork! They should make a Zork movie.

European means anti-Trump? What about Russia?

I didn’t like the Sopranos, and I am sick of all organized crime shows. It’s the cheapest formula for drama.

Westworld sucks.

I liked the old Kevin Love, before LeBron James neutered him.

Full healthbar or I don’t care.