
Will Ferrell is painfully unfunny and America has been sanctioning his buffoonery for decades - I’ve never been able to understand those who profess to enjoying his blustery, winking straight man shtick.

Ferrell always seemed like those Drama kids in college that just tried way too hard to be funny, but he somehow Mike Meyers-ed the whole thing.  He’s got a few truly funny films, but 80% of the time he’s just over-aggressive about the off-the-wall humor and it just gets grating.

Everybody knows Sherlock Holmes is a very intelligent character. What this film presupposes is... maybe he isn’t?

An F! A glorious F! It’s a Christmas miracle! Thank you, St. Ignatiy! Thank you for the amount and depth of film and literary history to a pan of economics-driven filmic shovelware! I didn’t expect to learn about the provenance of Sherlock Holmes adaptations and original texts. 

“here he’s stuck playing a cloying, childlike caricature of damaged genius—the kind of role Robin Williams, rest his soul, might have mugged his way through in the late ’90s.”

How much time and money and effort are they spending on all this, when they could just trot her out for a five-minute live press conference/statement saying, “See? I’m fine. Now leave me alone.” It’s almost like she’s not alive or something...

But it worked in Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook!

I just made my own comment saying basically the same thing before I saw yours. The Big Short was bad. It glossed over so many actual facts, simplified a wildly complicated situation, and tried to sympathize with real world people that were complicit with the actions that lead to the financial crisis.

Other way around. If a car is worth $20,000, and you put $700 in to fix something, you’re not going to be able to get $20,700 for it. So why would you pay that money to fix it before you sell it? The price of the repair is already factored into the asking price.

I think it hopes to be Oscar Bait, above all.

All these negative reviews seem like retroactive guilt over praising The Big Short, which was also glib and superficial.

Sounds more like you don’t get invited to the right type of parties.

I suppose this is what happens when you try to make a career out of being a glorified fan of a company’s product.

So it’s pretty foolish to have an affair with a married man and then expect him to remain faithful to you.

Technically, Sondra Locke was also his mistress as he left his wife after they began a relationship in 1975 but did not divorce her until 1984.

A movie is made about a man transporting drugs for drug cartels (in real life the Sinaloa cartel who is known for beheading rivals and disolving them in acid). Reviewer criticizes movie for making minority-populated gang “loom menacingly”. It is as if he doesn’t know that the murder count in Mexico is the third

Not liking a cappella doesn’t seem like a particularly ‘hip’ posture, though. It’s more of an ironic hipster move to like them at this point.

I do like how all the teenage bullies on the Simpsons are still early ‘90's relics who dig Pearl Jam.

But as we all know, as per the episode ‘Kill the Alligator and Run’, the Simpsons are banned from entering the state of Florida. Boy, I hope someone got fired for that blunder.