
I would order something to go at the table.

Where are those? Are they closer than the boys’ tees?

This hit caused more permanent damage than most rapes.

But Frank Grimes is a SELF MADE MAN! And I don’t have to worry about the Simpsons bringing him back and ruining him later... or at least I’ll never see that episode if they do.

Guy gets one bad delivery pizza, judges everyone else for ever ordering delivery.

Homer eats himself in a Halloween episode? That’s so original!

All he had to do is not make his stupid statement about having proof he said something else, and the story would have gone away.

Being punched in the face would be a 1) No. 2) Yes.

No one would believe you? Haven’t you noticed these comment sections are filled with people who would believe her? Why do you think you’re in some tiny minority that’s practically no one, when really, mainstream America tends to believe these stories?

Imagine the reaction if this was an article about how all women need to take responsibility for the bad women out there, or if it was about black people, or Muslims. This is ridiculous.

Michelin stars are bullshit.

Ha ha, a broken legacy! It certainly adds an interesting twist to this NBA season!

Do people literally vomit when they see things on television, or are you just exaggerating?

This is nothing compared to Paul George or Kevin Ware.

I didn’t know Skip Bayless was that clever.

It should be impossible to trade away Carmelo and get worse defensively, but the Knicks found a way.

What? Mike Pence likes hung gay men?

I’m not going to spend any time worrying about how some rich and famous actresses may have decided to have sex with an ugly person for money, and felt bad about it later.

There are plenty of crimes that result in mistrust and disbelief in the victim, and/or victim blaming. Try being assaulted, or having something stolen from you, or being the victim of fraud.

Is it actually worse? People put up with sexual abuse in order to further their careers. It didn’t ruin these women’s lives. They chose to go along in order to have better lives. If Harvey Weinstein was stealing these women’s cars instead of having sex with them, he would have been stopped a long time ago.