
Another Brick in the Wall is why I decided to follow that rule.

I blame The Simpsons.

The best defense is a good offense.

They wouldn’t have to snipe the shooter if they could demolish the hotel. We need legal grenades, rockets, and car bombs to fight this threat.

Just one Meeseeks episode is all I wanted to see this season.

They could have released a hundred movies before BvS:DoJ, and maybe that would have grown their fan base a bit and gotten more people to see it, but BvS:DoJ would have still been a terrible movie.

It’s great that the FBI wants to clean up college basketball, but I don’t care about basketball. Can’t they send Nick Saban to prison instead?

I don’t think the purge episode is worse than what they’ve done this season, but if they aim for more purge-quality episodes, I am afraid we’ll just get Family Guy in space.

Why were the Floopyland creatures designed with real genitals?

How are we supposed to tell the difference between the people not watching the NFL because there’s too many concussions and the people not watching because there aren’t enough concussions?

No show is going to condone harassing of its own writers. That’s not taking much of a stand.

Did I claim that it does? It doesn’t matter how pathetic he is when he’s not killing stuff. Those scenes in Pickle Rick wouldn’t exist without animators and writers working together to come up with cool ways to murder rats and people.

I can imagine a writers’ room with someone saying how cool it would be to see a laser

Many of them are purposefully left in, because they don’t want to spend extra time/money to fix them.

The rules of the game are the design. If they did catch it in testing, the only difference would be having an early bad design that got fixed, versus having a bad design that got released and needs a patch.

You can’t show Pickle Rick tearing apart rats and security guards for twenty minutes and then say you didn’t glorify it because of the psychologist’s little speech at the end.

“And embedded in both parties is a constant reassurance, via the show’s various deep-cut references and in-universe in-jokes, that they are the ones who ‘get’ it. They are the chosen few who grasp the nerd-dom it celebrates in the correct way.”

It sounds like you know how stupid this type of thinking is, and then you

Louis C.K. and Jen Kirkman were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.

It’s Glenn Beck level stupidity.

Larry David?