
I think she's used to beating up guys The Saint's size, and her total inability to defend herself in this situation is getting to her.

The only "bad fan" is someone who thinks there is a right or wrong way to be a fan. There's no morality in choosing a fictional character to root for.

Travis Bickle was a hero.

It's the part he was born to play, baby!

New Orleans!
Home of pirates, drunks and whores.
New Orleans!
Tacky overpriced souvenir stores.
If you want to go to hell, you should take a trip
To the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississip'

And those beautiful women? They used to be men!

That's what she said.

I have a great reason to vote for conservatives: spite.

This is horrible. Kids auditioning for a serious drama are being asked to improvise a reason to steal money? Comedy has already been ruined by improv. Don't ruin drama!

They don't even have to go outside the US, or travel at all. I remember there was a controversy with stinking, rotten, vomiting, vile New Orleans.

The idea that the person doing a cartoon character's voice should be the same race as the character is ridiculous to me.

Are you saying there's no history of white people paying black people? Or there's no history of age discrimination?

Really, white people can't resist? You make it sound like this happens in at least one sitcom every week. What's the most recent example of a white guy in brown makeup pretending to be a yoga master?

This Pickle kid has a bright future. I hear he's already grabbing pussy at an eighth grade level.

All names are made up.

You're trying too hard to fit in here.

This is really dumb.

Who needs the infinite compassion of Ganesha when I've got Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman staring at me from Entertainment Weekly with their dead eyes!

Hating the Australian episode is disparaging the boot, and that's a bootable offense. You reminded your friend of this, right?

"Make us proud, son."
"Never forget who you are."
"Don't make the same mistake I did."