
The voice is funny, like Homer, Marge, Krusty, Abe, Moe, Barney, Burns, Smithers, Chief Wiggum, Ralph Wiggum, Rod, Todd, Quimby, Moleman, Gil, Comic Book Guy, Willy… oh, no, the next outrage will be about Willy.

I am appalled that Abe Simpson isn't voiced by an 83-year-old man. It's old-face, and it's ageist.

If we want to see Japanese people, we could have gone to the zoo.

I fell off the jetway again.

I'm most upset by his usage of "literally".

Here comes a grease ball!

Of all possible Daily Show correspondents, Jordan Klepper is getting his own show? Now I know what white privilege means.

The people who took it upon themselves to harass the woman's employer are the "thought police". Isn't that obvious? Why are you so stupid?

It shouldn't exist! Clean your belly buttons, you slobs!

Nostalgia is great. Go watch the Iron Giant a thousand times if you want. But I don't want to watch a new movie that relies on nostalgia to be good. Why should I get excited about an inferior, muddy reflection of some things I like mixed with some other things I don't like?

If the Wikipedia-like references were presented as Patrick Bateman-style monologues, they could work.

He doesn't want to create a Meeseeks situation.

Did I say the government did it? The thought police are volunteers.

That lady who said she won't get Ebola because she's white.

Are you insane? What the hell are you talking about?

These "imaginary" thought police have been ruining people's lives for real.

I hate this "punching down" concept. Who's the real butt of the joke: whatever Other that is considered lower than white males for some reason (and ranking demographics is insulting to me)? Or is it the PC culture that's exalting the Other to hero status? You know - the same PC culture that has the support of a

When I am in a jury, I am not going to call the defendant "guilty" unless the crime scene investigator interrogated the defendant himself and got a confession out of him.

Resistance? What resistance? Whining on Twitter every day isn't a resistance. It's acting like Donald Trump.

The Simpsons Spin-off Showcase is like a season 11 episode. It doesn't deserve to be in the same season as Homer's Enemy and Homer's Phobia.