
They ruined all our best names, like Bruce and Lance and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had!

If you read the rest of that court filing, you know this isn't an ordinary arrangement between two corporations. This is a lawsuit between two small companies with five out of six of the people involved owning large portions of both of them. Employees for both companies worked together in the same office. They even

So, Jesse destroyed an armored truck loaded with millions of dollars worth of souls, and left the three guys he stole it from alive. Does this mean he's going to have Japanese bad guys trying to hunt him down? Given the way this show likes to have absurd enemies and lean into stereotypes, I'm not sure if I should

I always like seeing Superman shave with his heat vision. Did they do that in one of the newer Superman movies, or do they not even bother with that kind of stuff any more?

Mustache of Steel Bristles, Women of Kleenex

I don't know where a bunch of your information is coming from. Please provide a link to an article about this "baiting" stuff you're talking about, because it's not in the Atlantic article you mentioned here. The Atlantic article says he canceled the arrangement, but without a required board meeting.

So Proper Media fired one of the people who took on ownership of Snopes, without buying his shares of Snopes, but wants to act like it controls Snopes, even though, on paper, it doesn't. I can see why David Mikkelson would want to end Snopes's relationship with a company that is using its founders' partial ownership

People used to just make up fake news for fun. Now there's money in getting people to click on stuff, and outrage or a celebrity death is an easy way to get clicks.

What website should I use to verify a rumor about Snopes itself?

They dropped analogies off the SAT for a good reason.

The first two seasons are the classics.

A 250 pound man would have 100 pounds on Bruce Lee. Does this weight difference problem only apply to women?

Too high, or too low?

You're dead weight, Marty.

Whenever I consider watching Game of Thrones again, I imagine a lingering close-up of Littlefinger's scheming face, and I decide to just read a few comments instead.

This sounds like a terrible Metal Gear game.

That makes me want to blunch.

Aah, my frickin' ears!

In my opinion, Cluck-U Chicken is the worst restaurant name. I don't want to go to a place that basically says "Fuck You" before I even step in the door.

I don't think Armin Tamzarian has had a turn on the cover.