
You ruined the joke! He's on a telephone pole, so he says, "I could call my ma from up here."

Now I know why BMW drivers drive like BMW drivers.

All work and LMOE play makes LMOE a LMOE LMOE.

Tell it to Forrest MacNeil.

As dawn came I began to understand that a quest for justice is only part of what fuels a good Batman. There's something else there, too. Something lurking in the shadows of the soul. Something without a name. It's called rage.

We have like ten new zombie and superhero shows a year, and dozens of affluent friends hanging out in New York shows, but some alternate Civil War media once a decade is too much? Not creative enough? Bullshit.

See also: Academy Award-winning Suicide Squad!

Superman's ghost is a dick!

Of course it's possible, but I think what the TV is saying is, all the cool straight men have sex with their female friends. You're a loser if you don't. What the point in putting in all that effort to be friends with a woman without at least a hand job every so often?

Nobody snuggles with season 10. You strap yourself in and feel the G's!

Watch any episode with Frank Grimes or Hank Scorpio.

I think Batman is turned to the side in the first picture to help make his bulge stand out.

I think we'll just go to the Texas Cheesecake Depository.

Adam West has really let himself go.

I'm not a fan of bands, or any musicians, I guess. They're showy, and my roots are in staying in my room and not interacting with the outside world.

Exactly! You don't see anyone with something like a swastika tattoo any more.

You could do the fight club thing.

I love all of these, "This guy who committed suicide made shitty music but you gotta respect him now that he'd dead." comments.

NHL Hitz was a good game. I miss Hitz and Blitz.

With six children I think the desire for murder increases.