
His turn on “Cheers” was so good I remember it to this day. It takes a good actor to really play a good nitwit and as much as I don’t care for Woody Harrelson, Woody was tough competition and Berenger might have outshone him.  

Someone really needs to do a Women in Hollywood bio-pic miniseries, from the silent era to the present. Enough women in front of and behind the camera have written great memoirs worthy of mining. While I’d be most interested in Mary Pickford, Hedy Lamarr, Ida Lupino and, of course, Mary Astor, Stone’s story would be

The book should be required reading for all film students to this day along with a detailed history of “Star Trek: The Motion Picture.”

I would say “Heaven’s Gate” is one of the most visually exquisite period pieces ever filmed and the only movie I can think of that comes even close to accurately capturing the way that era actually looks in old photographs. Unfortunately, it really is an inert slog of a flick. The script isn’t very compelling and is

Who is really surprised? People are already acting like coast is clear everywhere. We’re going to see far crazier shit than this within another month. I’m staying the fuck away from people until next year. It’s not just the variants I’m concerned about either. People are going to overdue everything through the winter

When I was a teenager we lived southwest of Detroit. We got seven channels out of Detroit, four out of Toledo and, miraculously, two from Chicago. While there was some overlap in programming because ten of the stations were network affiliates (including PBS) this was back when local stations still ran afternoon, late

Fuck you, you think this is amusing? Show me a human getting hurt.

Given the explosion of low budget horror films and the significant amount of gay-themed independent films in the eighties the time certainly seemed right for this to happen but I suspect the movie was a few years too late and a little bit too expensive by this point. Nineties cinema definitely had a dumb, reactionary

My money's on Shepard.

Which was based on his actual experience of being invited to an Apollo launch and observing the expressions on the faces of all the military brass in attendance as the watched the Saturn V lift off.


Thanks for the breath of fresh air around here. I keep putting off signing up for the Criterion Channel, mostly because the last year (and the insomnia it has inflicted upon me) has wreaked havoc on my attention span and I don’t watch nearly as many movies as I used to, let alone good ones. The fact that a year

You’ve never seen “House of Wax” or “The Creature From the Black Lagoon" have you?

This was when the term “Movie Star” actually meant something. She also starred in eleven movies in those five years. 

When I was a little boy Doris Day was the first celebrity I had the hots for. I didn’t even know what sex was but she really turned me on, as much as a seven year old boy could be turned on. Those movies with Rock Hudson were just hitting network television and they seemed so steamy to me (I also thought “Love

Everyone I know tells the same story. All of us thought this would be a great opportunity to stay home and buckle down and do some serious work but none of us have produced anything. A huge part of the problem is we all have day jobs. If you have to leave the house and work around even a few people it’s fucking

Now playing

Still one of my favorite Spielberg pieces, although Philip Wylie deserves a lot of the credit:

Of all the bullshit awards (and they’re all bullshit) the Grammys are the most bullshitby far so who the fuck other than a real hack of a phoney would want one? Also, get over yourself, dude. Fucking baby.

Honestly, this looks like the opening credits for a shitty late night talk show. The fact the drone also doesn’t nail the front center pin for a strike leaves me doubly unimpressed.

I was a Spielberg fan from early childhood on. By that I mean “The Night Gallery” pilot, “The Name of the Game,” “Columbo” and all the “ABC Movie of the Weeks.” I was probably his second fan after Sid Sheinberg but I have to say, honestly, this sounds way, way too late.