
Tim Burton supposedly shot a theatrical length interview with Price talking about his film career and paid for it out of his own pocket. He never released it because he couldn’t get all the film clips from Price’s films he wanted to use. I just want to scream at the guy, “Have you never watched Dick Cavett?!!"  

This is the edition I have and it’s one of my most cherished possessions. I become a vegetarian shortly after buying it so I haven’t made any of the dishes but I think I’ll break down next fall and make a few exceptions.

Easily the best clever/dumb comedy since “Airplane” and the rare sequel that outshines its predecessor. The “Seventh Seal” nod was a a stroke of brilliance and the final twist/twist/twist at the climax reallly should have been the final word on time travel plots, which are getting pretty stale.

It’s refreshing to read an author taking a filmmaker to task for being too slavish in adapting his book. I too found the movie disappointing and, even worse for a Chuck Jones cartoon, dull.

God, this show is my go-to tonic for a shitty day/week/month/year. Just the first three notes of the theme song make me feel like I’m a kid again, sitting on the carpet in front of the TV.

Given how a number of “That Girl” alumni worked on the show, I’ve always suspected it was a subtle nod, giving the protagonist two first names ala Ann Marie.

I have a pair of those mugs! Alas, I don’t have the bowl.

Now playing

Never an “Office” fan but I’d have step over my grandmother’s corpse to have seen Flannery in “Valley of the Dolls.”

1. Has he ever explained how he lost his eye?

Sorry, but I only follow Hardee's.

Even as a kid I knew Pepe was a parody of the clueless, overbearing male (who, of course, was intimidated by sexually aggressive women) but I also noticed, at a very young age, how girls and women had a very visceral reaction against the character. Classic cartoons are full of the aggressive “wolf” character and as

For me, there’s no movie that turns on the faucet more than William Wyler’s “The Best Years of Our Lives,” about WW II veterans returning home to an America that seems all too eager to leave them behind. I skipped watching it for decades because I assumed it would be fluffy, sentimental propaganda but, Jesus, what a

The last time I listened to Arab Strap was when Patti Schmidt devoted an entire episode of “Brave New Waves” to their music. God, how I miss that show.

Am I the only person who didn’t sleep through ninth grade English class?

Does this guy not realize John Carpenter literally recreated the title sequence from the original Howard Hawks film? The Hawks/Nyby take is still the best film adaptation, by the way and, honestly, better than the story itself which is not very well written, meandering and utterly devoid of suspense.

I think New York pretty much lost its luster by the mid sixties though it certainly was kind of interesting through the seventies. Between douchie posers, the outright human garbage rich people and the undeniable gentrification that has rendered much of the city virtually indistinguishable from any second rate strip

This came out in the early eighties when Disney had just begun to try to revitalize itself in earnest. Everything I’d read about it at the time indicated the studio was trying to get back to the basics of good storytelling, memorable characters and more adventurous animation. The computer animation was a huge deal at

Jesus. Judging by that photo this looks more like “Superman & the Crypt Keeper.”

I couldn’t care less if the Disney shit factory pumps its sewage straight into the homes and down the throats of its garbage audience. Nor will I care if the Alamo Whore Houses and all the other megaplexes go under. When the coast is clear the revival houses, the art houses and the two single screen theaters (both of

Anyone who has ever worked in a record, book or video store can confirm how much of a real thing this is. Pearl-clutchers who could not have cared less for someone or their output will go on a buying rampage just to demonstrate their enraged bigotry to some hapless sales person.