
You could get a hobby. Read a book. Listen to music you’ve never heard before. Watch movies from before you were born (there’s a lot of amazing ones out there.) Given the fact you were hospitalized for an extended period I’d think you’d want to be outside more, too. Try expanding that horizon. There’s more to life

Sweet Jesus I’d take one Buster Keaton movie over the whole of “peak TV” any day.

You could also pull your mouths off the tit and read some books. You know, books. There’s also about 70 years worth of great music (hell, if you count classical music, about 800 years) and if you must watch TV try skipping shows and sample some of the thousands of really good movies going back over a century.   

I have had access to Netflix by way of a relative for years but have yet to watch anything they have to offer. This is but the latest turd of an example in their seemingly endless shit-stream.

Great article, Carlos. Having grown up in the seventies during the renaissance of independent animation (a lot of TV specials and even the early “Sesame Street” episodes had some amazing stuff) and gone to college during the golden age of student film guilds, I developed a real love for the medium. It’s a pity the

Classic stupid “SNL.

She was my favorite by far and better than anyone on "SNL" in ages. She deserved waaay better.

Dude had some balls and more power to him but that's one hell of a hill to buy the ranch on.

Or those soccer moms, the ones who also went around with teeny tiny backpacks, who had a flower on an ankle or shoulder blade in the nineties. Ditto every Woo Girl with a little tattoo above her ass crack. 

I’ve always found Tom & Jerry, even the ones Chuck Jones did, devoid of any charm, wit or invention. By comparison the Road Runner shorts, which were essentially as formulaic, were graced with a terrific sense of style and wicked absurdism. I will go on the record as saying I always rooted for the cat and the coyote.

Well, Roger Corman did an “Alien” ripoff where the monster rape/kills a woman and the actress was instructed to writhe in orgasmic pleasure during the scene. I have a high tolerance for schlocky B movies but that was where I walked out.

I have a hard time believing anyone ever bought into this nonsense but I’ve learned to never underestimate the human race’s appetite for shit sandwiches.

I was a regular “Frasier” viewer during its initial run (although I bailed on the last few seasons) and it was the one showed I rewatched in its entirety during the lockdown and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t want a revival, particularly if the showrunner is one of the idiots from “How I Met Your Mother,” the single wo

That could be any two consecutive days in Michigan. Get out, embrace it and blow off some steam. March and April can still  fuck with us.

Moore did some great work as a staff writer on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine” but I think it’s become painfully obvious he’s a lousy showrunner and he’s done nothing to indicate he’s a concept man who can spin gold. The way “Battlestar Galactica” lost its luster before it even wrapped up was

I’m probably the only person here who gets that reference to a novel written by Rod Serling’s brother.

I’m no fan of Hillary but I still feel she is entitled to some justice with ole Donnie Darko, like going full Eva Braun all over his face on national television.

I feel confident in saying your post is way more entertaining than Hillary’s book will ever be.

As if pop music hasn’t been up to its neck in schtick and stupid costumes from the very beginning.

I used to live in his home town of Ann Arbor and for some bizarre reason all the men who live there try to rock whatever look they had in their senior year of high school for the rest of their lives. It's really sad. I’m not a Burns fan but you have to give him credit for having a sense of humor about it. That was a