
How we treat the incarcerated reflects on us, not them.

The fact that anyone still takes Cathy Brennan seriously shows how far we have left to go. This is a person who deliberately doxxes trans* teenagers purely to do them harm.

Call of Duty : Modern Candy Warfare

Well, a high-priced acquisition of a one-note developer... no way this could blow up in their faces!

this. is. fucking. insane.

My heart bleeds for you, you poor suffering bastard

I’m real glad Damon is proving to shape up as exactly same kind of douche he played as himself in House of Lies.

like, i’m so glad this is happening but....i would rather he just got an a on his good work and not arrested.

I find the unrelenting passage of time to be alarming as well so I’m going to have to side with the police on this one.

See, I knew more good stuff would come from this. Awesome!! Fuck those teachers! Keeping building stuff dude!

Did anyone see the portrait of Donald Trump painted in menstrual blood? It gives me feelings. Like on the one hand, HAHAHAHA, but on the other hand he doesn’t even deserve the attention.

no fuckin’ way am I the only one here...

Yeah, that line is the perfect distillation of the absurdity of the “fake victim” claims.

Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.


what a bunch of babies

Who are these women who side with men on every.single.damn.thing? Who are these women who refuse to believe that gender wage gap is real? Who are these women that think they “don’t need feminism” because women in other countries have it worse (so we should just stop trying, I guess)? I simply don’t understand this