I'm amazed they didn't shoot her.
I'm amazed they didn't shoot her.
Um, jailing her didn't turn out very well in the movie. Just sayin.
This crab was not fucking. There's a certain subset of people who like animal porn.
Shouldn't this have been filed to Adequate Quarterback?
Just another reason to never, ever visit Australia.
Hey, what's the creepiest quote you could imagine from a man accused of rape?
"The second law of thermodynamics basically is the more ways something can happen, the more likely it is to happen."
Why didn't someone tell me they were looking for a first edition Iliad? I happen to have one right here.
I have no doubt people are looking for "first editions" from Homer's publisher, Apollo Publishing.
this upsets me. mostly because I would like to think that people who use Abe Books know a thing or two ABOUT BOOKS.
I want to see these two fucks expelled. They knew exactly what they were doing and were intimidating her. Predators know when they see prey. Assholes like this can smell an opportunity do be abusive a mile away.
I've reamed my kids for approaching ANY dog without specifically asking first, and if told "no" to say thank you and move on. I'd be mortified if my kid ignored the owner of a freaking SERVICE DOG and continued to pet it. Holy crap.
People are indeed as horrible as you think. Last week I saw a mom actually scold someone with a service animal that was already trained and clearly working (it had the harness, the little working dog sign and everything) because the person asked the kid not to pet her dog, as he was working. Apparently the mom thought…
It seems so simple, doesn't it? Almost like saying "As a University, we care more about turning out decent human beings than winning football games." And yet, here we are.
Football players being assholes? That's just as surprising as frat boys who are sexist sociopaths.
About 20 years back I was talking to a friend who had gone to the local university, and I can't recall how it came up but he made some offhand comment about avoiding walking past a certain group of houses while moving around the campus. When pressed he explained the football players and their buds hung out there and…
The way around that is when your son does harass or assault women you rationalize it and convince yourself the woman is lying or asking for it.
This most likely wasn't the first time those athletes have acted out with this behavior. They obviously get away with so much shit behavior and no one checks them on their bullshit. Don't let them be in a fraternity as well.
Way too many assholes around. I don't understand how people can't raise their kids properly. I refuse to accept that only a few of us were raised by good people. I would consider myself a failure if I raised someone like that. If my son harassed women or raped anyone, I think I'd go nuts and jump off a bridge.
Kick them out, and hopefully no one else give them another scholarship.