He still uses a Blackberry.
He still uses a Blackberry.
I agree with you except.. The lower torso area is so photoshopped to hell that it looks extra creepy. Well, to me anyway. I can't quite explain it. Like her crotch just stopped or got cut off or something. Like she is going to remove the bottoms and we are all going to discover she has a crotch like a Barbie.
Maybe I'm too liberal but I don't see the big deal. I wish parents were more honest and say that they're uncomfortable looking at half naked people and leave kids out of it. Kids for the most part don't give a shit about a lot of stuff parents worry about. How will this cover harm them?
Counterpoint: Milk is delicious.
So proud that we have someone who is both a doctor and a judge on staff.
Obviously, running a school was something else Deion couldn't tackle...
Ashley Phoenix-Claw: "Hey #GameOnSVU I've been sexually assaulted/physically abused so I know how that works... #GamerGate doesn't do that. And hi, I'm a woman."
" Hey, we don't rape & mutilate women! We just threaten to rape & mutilate women!" -Gamergaters
gamergate: we're offending that you implied we'd rape people but still LOL A GIRL GOT GANGRAPED LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL
uh yeah if by the end you mean eternal grace and pleasure for humankind
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a Kanye/Swift collab.
Congrats: This now has more stars than the movie had ticket sales.
Browns Owner: What's with these pre-draft shenanigans I'm hearing about Kevin? It's getting some people in the league pretty upset.
The Browns understand the potential consequences of exploiting this loophole, but a high-ranking team executive said that, "it's worth taking a shot".
Racism is no longer a factor in America!