
I’m pretty sure that being forced to work for an employer who is paying you less than a whole bunch of other employers would happily pay you to do the same job is pretty much the definition of exploitation, regardless of how much money you make.

And how exactly does any of that justify booing Naomi Osaka, who by all accounts seems to be an awesome person? 

Serena’s fans are used to her being unfairly, repeatedly told she looks like a man, and being treated differently on the world stage in terms of her play and her dress code. Never given the true All American credit she deserves. That’s not being a psychopath, that’s attempting to tip an unbalanced scale, even if

Worth remembering this:

God, that was some bullshit. Everybody lost: Serena, the public, and especially Naomi, who turned in a world-class performance but now will always have an asterisk accompany any mention of this victory. It was an all-around bummer. What a weird moment to enforce the coaching restriction, topped by that overkill game

This is as much of a dumb-shit take as it gets. Do concession workers bring a skill set that isn’t easily replaced by billions of other people roaming the planet? You’re also picking the side of an entity that’s probably worth dozens of times more than the “rich” you want to eat here.

Yea but this is the NFL, they’d find a way to install a pro-management stooge as a union rep in each chapter who’ll argue for everyone to make less money to keep it equal while ignoring management realizing most of the profits with no risks. Probably call the guy something like “Ramon Foster”

The first solution should be NFL players getting together and forming some sort of union. They could call it something like the NFL Players Association, and use it to represent them collectively in setting terms with owners. This current system where they just let owners run wild all over them just won’t cut it!

Damn, he really has an axe to grind with Cory Lidle.

Now playing

This Rod Allen, involved a physical altercation? NEVER! (God Bless Yakety Sax)

Can you not?  Thanks.

I believe it involves an auction.

Well obviously the Browns have no tolerance for shady financial dealings.

Someone had some Ambien.

Ashley Feinberg is a national treasure.  

I miss Ashley so fucking much

A great player and good dude on and off the ice. As a Red Wings fan this is some bad news but he’s absolutely paid his dues and deserves a quality post NHL life. 

I didn’t catch onto The Wire until Netflix DVDs. (Too poor for HBO back in the day). My best friend said to watch this show. When Lester came back with the boxing poster of Avon was when I first felt I wasn’t watching something I’d seen before. The Fuck scene hit me like the Lexus of nail guns.

A three and a half minute scene where the only word uttered is fuck? Yes, you glorious motherfucker, that is fucking beautiful fucking shit right there.

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I imagine your life is the scene from The Wire. (NSFW)