Peppermint Patty

Here is a problem I am having. All of this Trump b.s. has been going on for so long, that I have kind of become numb to it. Every day it’s just another god-awful story, and I have reached a point where I have almost given up hope that it will ever be any better.

I am not one of those white people who says I am not racist. We all have some of this in us to varying degrees. I try very hard to recognize it in myself and take action to control my thoughts and actions.

TL;DR because I don’t have to.  I can’t even express how wonderful I believe this woman is. 

Who knew that “draining the swamp” meant dismantling the government?

In an early episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Caitlyn (then Bruce) was talking about Kim’s sex tape. I can only paraphrase, but she (Caitlyn) said something like, “Now all the skeletons are out of the closet.” I was binge watching the show from the beginning at the time, and it was right around the time

I live in the deepest nether regions of the south, and if it weren’t for Jezebel and the commenters here, I would probably be in some serious trouble. I love you all. You are my sanity and my safe place in an America that I don’t even recognize any more. I am used to the kind of verbal diarrhea that trumpf spews, but

Marriage is betting somebody half your shit that you will love them til you die.

Read the headline. Skipped straight to the comments.

Starred for the baby! After a crappy day, I laughed out loud. Thank you!

No, she did not. I was on my own. But it’s all good. Hubs #2 appreciates me. I needed Kristin when #1 was around. 😏

Sadly, I heard it while I was in the kitchen putting out the food.... But seriously, I thought it was great!

No judgement here. Everybody has their thing. My daughter eats fish, but most other meat causes digestive issues (IBS). It highly pisses me off that people are oddly suddenly okay with this once they know it is a health issue, because I want to scream, “AND EXPLAIN TO ME WHY HER REASONS ARE ANY OF YOUR DAMN

Just me and mr. patty, but wings, shrimp, quesadillas, deviled eggs, veggies/dip, fruit (strawberry/blueberry), olives, cheeses, wine (me), and beer (him). Meh -nothing adventurous. Just standard stuff. I am looking forward to the wine the most, but I am working on a presentation for school this afternoon, so

Not trolling here, because as an imperfect person, I sort of agree with a lot of the descriptions, but there is a lot of body shaming going on in the comments here, which we would all usually agree was bad. I guess it’s okay if a person is an asshole?

Exactly what I was going to say. I know wonderful people who have crappy offspring, and fabulous people who have awful parents. We shouldn’t judge, but we do, so at least base the judgment on the individual person’s merits or lack of.

Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it. I think somebody famous said that, but I forget.

Yesterday I visited a little used bookstore/ coffe shop. Purchased The Collected Letters of CS Lewis. Currently propped up in bed with a glass of wine and volume 1. This is life! It is the happiest I have been in a week. I may get a lot of reading done in the next few years....

Thank you! I just fell down a rabbit hole of free books!

Wish list: a Jezebel app. Who’s with me?