
Let’s guess what they’ll say about the shooter:

Fine. I’m a parent (and since you’ve meaninglessly trotted out race I’m tri-racial (Chinese/Black on mom’s side, Irish on dad’s), bisexual and married to a white dude. My son is 18 months old.

I don’t have (and plan never to have) children so I can’t answer your initial question. I would also like to be completely clear that you have every right to only feed your children food made under conditions you find completely acceptable. If a person with HIV/AIDS handling the food is unacceptable, you are within

I have no doubt that you’re not alone in feeling that way, and that fact makes me very sad. I have worked with an HIV+ chef and had no problem eating the food he prepared. I’m an emergency responder and have had extensive training about blood-borne pathogens, and that training just makes me more comfortable with it. I

Best keep your kids inside your house at all times, then. And people like you are the exact reason why HIV + status is protect by the ADA.

how do you know that you are not being served by HIV positive people every single day? has anything happened to you or the the “precious children” you are so worried about? should HIV positive people be forced to wear signs alerting all to their status? are you this concerned about all infectious diseases? did you

Well, considering that someone’s HIV status isn’t really any of my business, I’d say yes, I absolutely would let someone with HIV serve my kid food. Because: a) how am I supposed to know if they are or not; b) it’s not generally a question one answers on a job application for a fast-food joint; and c) I live in the

You clearly don’t know the first thing about HIV transmission, so I can’t figure out why you wrote this long, idiotic screed full of absurd misinformation. Other than you being an ignorant, prejudiced loudmouth of course.

It’s my understanding you’re supposed to treat all blood/bodily fluids like they could be contaminated with something to begin with. Like no one should be bleeding on your food and serving it regardless of HIV status. If someone HIV positive cut themselves you’re supposed to already be following universal precautions



The h is silent, but you’d be amazed how many teachers didn’t know that growing up.

I would never punch out an old dude over Nutella. Nutella tastes like three-day-old canned cake frosting.

I think he’s disqualified himself from that career path.

I shudder to think what he might do for a Klondike bar.

Oh, for the sake of all fucks.

Just to be clear, by ‘Devil’s Advocate’ you really mean ‘Homophobe Apologist’, right?

The fact that she had to mention that she “walked up to them calmly” means that she either-A) Did not walk up to them calmly or B) Feels like walking up to a gay couple calmly is something worth mentioning or C) Eat a bag of butts, lady.