
I never said it was? We’re arguing different things at this point. I’m done being talked to like I’m a child though so we’re done here.

I’m obviously not talking about surgery here. That’s a whole different situation where the body’s primary difenses against infection have been breached by surgery. The sterile enviromentn and procedures of surgery are a completely different conversation. I’m more talking about typical care. Hospital wards, primary

It’s debatable. I’ve read several articles that suggest that gloves in healthcare may not be as effective as thought from a patient protection perspective. I haven’t seen a large scale study though. It’s not my area of study but I have a few friends in school who are studying hand hygiene and glove use with relation

Excellent point. In a health care setting this is especially true.

Thank you!!! This is what I was coming here to stay. The idea that somehow a child with autism is worse than a dead child absolutely baffles me.

Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about vaccines?

Interesting situation here. I’ve never heard of a case of a restaurant getting in trouble for the potential of an outbreak when there have been no confirmed cases. The facts in this case are not super clear. That being said, if there are cases of it being spread to customers some of the blame will fall on the sick

“Aspiring Nazgul” Is pretty much my favorite line ever.

Considering it doesn’t really have a body I think really I’m arm shaming it. Which I’m fine with. I mean look at them?

I was more worried about it honestly but your interpretation adds a whole new level of horror

Its arm is on wrong!!! It looks like someone ripped its arm off and stuck it back on backwards.

That bread monster is going to come for me in my nightmares.

Wow these are bad this week. They’re all making me angry but the Starbucks ones are always the worse for me. I’m not sure how I survived 4 months working there and we had relatively normal customers. The jobs actually going after that guy brought me a lot of joy

Yeah, I agree with you I think

Yes! Me of two years ago would have just quietly waited if I was behind this douche. Me of today not so much. I don’t have time for people like that.

I’m not sure what about this guy pisses me off more. The birthday scam, his “easy as pie” drink order, or the way he talks to the barista.

I was thinking this too. I’m not sure though, from my short time working for Starbucks it seems like they treat their employees decently over all. I still wouldn’t put it past them though

God dammit people. I needed some good today.

I’ve had it. It’s what I grew up with before I discovered Franks. It’ll do but I still prefer Franks

Wow! Your friend could be a twin to my friend! He thinks pretty much anything is too spicy. Unfortunately he is also incapable of refusing a challenge. A friend of ours got him to eat an atomic hot wing in exchange for paying for his food. He did it and it was hilarious to watch. We are terrible friends.