
Gloves Protect the wearer. No one else!!!! Hand washing protects others.

I was ready to go to the comments thread and rave about how you clearly hate sanitation and this is probably all about how people just hate putting on and taking off gloves and fuck all of you lazy assholes.

I’m feeling sorry for poor lonely Yersinia pestis from Illinois . All alone , no friends , no family . It’s quite a sad story actually .

That’s a shitty and incredibly patronizing thing to say. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t mean you need to dismiss everyone who has had those experiences. It doesn’t have anything to do with logic. Go stroke your own dick to a true crime show.

I found a picture of her doctor:

Got it during a hunting trip. Sometimes nature hunts you. Karma’s a bitch, kid.

pssh just a case of the ol’ bubons. nothin’ to see here folks. but srsly tho.

Oregon Trail, 2015 edition: “you have died of bubonic plague”

Wow. Really? So once a parent has children, they aren’t allowed to change careers (or even jobs) at all? I can’t tell if you’re trolling, or you legitimately think that her husband is bad for wanting to become a teacher.

You’re a middle-aged Mets fan

You’ll be the same guy who blames his girlfriend for dressing sexy when she gets raped...

That wasn’t a slide so much as a rolling tackle. MLB has moved to protect catchers from career-ending injuries at home, it’s time they started doing the same for middle infielders.

Yes, my mistake, what if four people deserved to be shot, of course

Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.

They’re so concerned about ending the autism “epidemic” that they’re creating actual epidemics out of preventable diseases. Fucking incredible.

I think we’re getting to the point where people just find facts and reality itself offensive. I’m waiting for someone to sue the CDC for offending their religious liberty.

You guys, I have hit peak old person.

Even. If. Vaccines. Did. Cause. Autism. Which. They. Do. Not. An. Autistic. Child. Is. Still. An. Alive. Child.