
Can you do another one of these geared toward Libertarians? Because they abhor facts and common sense more than good ol’ conservative Republicans and I legit can feel the steam coming out of my ears when I try to argue with them about anything related to economics.

YES. Thank you for this well researched article with links! I will be sharing this far and wide, in conjunction with the article I’ve already been sharing for a few years (Cracked article entitled “6 Things Rich People Need to Stop Saying.”) This shuts down the naysayers at every talking point. Bravo! Your hard work

No person in the wealthiest country in the world deserves to work full time and still be in poverty.

You know how Behind Closed Ovens’ header images make you hungry for whatever food is in it?

Lobbyist-mercenary and aspiring Nazgul


It’s coming for all of people who claim gluten-intolerance and then ask for a beer and cookies because those are okay.

I am consumed with worry about whom/what it is running from and why/how it is coming to my screen. Let the nightmares commence.

Mr. Nesbitt has learned the first lesson of not being seen: not to stand up.

Oh, no the red is next to the crunchy.

Mine: the fact that he wants it rung up a certain way even though he knows it’s going to be free.

We do, we jut object to miserable excuses for human beings who are horrible to servers. Just a pet peeve of ours.

For me it’s the way he talks to the barista. We all know horrifyingly cheap people & while it can be incredibly annoying most (not all) of the time it doesn’t hurt anyone. One thing I have a very low tolerance for is rudeness & taking advantage of people and acting like they should be grateful for it.


Pinkham - I’m just impressed that a BCO article went viral, and I was here to see it! Congrats, you snowflakes, you!

“Mister Brad”. WTF, asshole?!

The fact that he is wasting valuable oxygen?

The scammer needs a punch in the throat just for using the phrase “easy as pie” with such a bullshit complicated order.

This happened in New Jersey. Being polite would be the abnormal behavior in this situation.