
When you play a Game of Throwns, you win, or you sue for damage to your eye.

Haven’t eaten at them. Isabella’s is really good tho.

For what it’s worth, a friend who has been to Lambert’s insists the rolls are so light that anyone who could injure someone with one “needs to professionally go into either baseball or murder.”

I feel like Lambert’s Café needs to change its name to "Ow Bon Pain" after this incident.

He probably shouldn't have ordered stoned wheat and pound cake at the same time, retrospectively.


I love Frank’s too, for much the same reason. I feel like so many people think hotter=better. And yeah, sometimes I want that burning. But, I will always pick the sauce with flavor over the burning burning pain. There is a Mexican restaurant near me, and if you ask the owner, he will bring you “the good stuff”. That

I agree. Frank’s is my go-to for Buffalo wing sauce (melt 1/2 stick of butter in a pan with a minced clove of garlic; once fragrant pour into a bowl with 1/3 cup Frank’s and some kosher salt; toss wings in bowl - you can thank me later). I can eat them hotter, but I cannot find anything that beats the flavor

Frank’s Extra Hot! It’s my favorite. All the Frank’s flavor, plus a roundhouse kick to your tastebuds :)

While I agree that Franks has good hot taste but I prefer Red Rooster if I am going southern, choulula if i’m having Mexican. Actually choulula>most things in life.

Frank’s is the best - especially for eggs & hash browns. And yeah - I like some spice, but it’s the flavor that make’s Frank’s better than others.

Great to mix with ranch and dip pizza in. *has violent heart attack *

I figured this is the case, which is why I went I wrote down all of the ingredients and how to make it just so that I wouldn’t inconvenience the workers with my stupid request by assuming they knew the hundreds of dumb drinks by heart.

It continues to amaze me that some customers think that people who professionally make coffee drinks don’t know how to make coffee drinks. Like a barista doesn’t know how to make a cappuccino?

Irrational TSA guidelines caused this delay.

It drives me batty that they’re starting to promote some of the “secret menu” bullshit items on the Facebook page. They’ll send us recipe cards but not actually mention them or train the baristas in it, so when we’re confused that a customer orders it we just get thrown under the bus.

Plus then customers get mad that

Starbucks secret menu items remind me of mixed drinks. If you’re going to order one you should damn well know what goes into it just in case the barista/bartender doesn’t.

Occasionally when I am having an awful day I will ask for a black and white mocha. I was told by a barista friend that this is not a hassle to make, but please disabuse me of this notion if I am being *that* customer. For what it's worth, I tip well.

No lie, I ask my friend who works at Starbucks any time I want to deviate from my usual order (which I also asked about) to make sure that what I want won’t be annoying to make. I’ve never worked in a coffee place but I’ve worked in restaurants and dear god I do not want to be one of those people.