
I used to work at one at a ski-resort (it was literally built because the owner’s wife wanted her own Starbucks) that was hella busy—like line-ups out the doors all winter and all summer. People would stand in line for 10 minutes, order something complicated, see the 15 drinks ahead of them, and then start demanding

OMG, the Starbucks secret menu is the fucking worst.

I was fine making whatever as long as the person was clear an polite about their instruction. Like my regular who always wanted a ton of extra matcha powder in her iced green tea latte, and didn’t want it stirred in all the way. Weird, but she was always nice and told us exactly what she wanted, so no one ever

Yep. The Starbucks ones are hands down the fucking worst and the people who order them are the worst.

Christ, that used to drive me insane. I haven’t worked there in years and I still curse whenever I see those articles pop-up. I mean, I’d happily (okay, grudgingly) put whatever flavor syrups you want in your frappicino, but you gotta tell me what they are.

This may be my favorite Kitchenette post ever, and I don’t even get that mad about Secret Menu posts.

Although it sounds like the result of some freaked-out parent being annoying, these sunburns are legitimately terrible.

There is a huge difference between killing a lion so you can have it’s head on your mantle and killing a deer to eat the meat.

I wouldn’t normally think my perspective on this is that worth sharing, but you specifically asked for opinions, so here you go.

“Wait, do you mean UMBC?” No, you sweet summer child. No, I do not.

This sucks. Also, which University of Maryland is hilarious.

Holy cow, the way they all jumped up and cheered when they said the word “Republicans.”

You ate this?

I’m just going to leave this here.

I love BJs!!!

I really wish I could eat dairy right now so I could have this. I love BJs!!!

I don’t understand why people take things out on the servers. They are obeying orders from their bosses and not trying to piss people off. Being nice to servers actually works for a lot of situations and people are more likely to help if they are treated with respect.

OK. I’ll bite.

I don't think working at Starbucks is necessary to feel that way, but it certainly augments it.

Not so much a cake disaster, but when I went to thank the Catering staff for doing a fantastic job, I found them all in the kitchen having a slice of the cake (after they had served it to all of the guests of course. Some of the wait staff froze in fear. I think the head Caterer had forgotten to tell them we had