
Honestly, you may be right on your first point, because halfway through the first season of DISCO it got relegated to ‘Something I put on in the background while I play Factorio’ because it DID NOT deserve my full attention, despite the occasional glimmer of good characterization or interesting plot line that

I have to disagree that people who don’t like Discovery and Picard are bigots.

Nah. I don’t care all that much about whether the sets/props/costumes are modern or not. I grew up watching Doctor Who in the 80s and you can’t get much more bargain basement than that. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed Starship Exeter, a fan-made project that captured the look and feel of the original series perfectly.

And as annoying as Wesley was, I’d sooner watch a show based on his adventures through time and space then relieve the several hours I spent trying to like Discovery.

Disliking bad writing and over-the-top senseless action scenes does not make a person a bigot.

Indeed.  Someone in the pitch meeting said “We need to do a Game Of Thrones version of Star Trek!”  So very, very, lame.

This wasn’t my experience, but you enjoy that overly broad brush your painting with. We don’t hate Discovery because it is new. We hate Discovery because it is bad.  So.  Very.  Very.  Bad.  It makes Lexx look like Shakespeare.

I did and it is a horrible flaming diaper traveling at impulse power.

I’m not privvy to his comment history, but the comment above seemed to be well reasoned.  I don’t see any problem with his critique.

Why?  He raises valid points.

We have something called “standards”. Which Discovery amply fails to live up to.

Nobody wants more of this SJW dumpster fire. Michelle, the worst officer in Starfleet at following orders, is now somehow the Captain of the ship. Ugh, and they brought the worst gay with them in that Doctor. The black gay would have been better. Pike, Spock and Number One can not get here fast enough for a real Star

If you hate Star Trek, this is the show for you.

Vitamin D3, HCQ, and a Z pack are cheap. Hospitalization in the age of third-party payer? Not so much.

There were Matrix sequels?

No, I’m pretty sure it was just the one movie. A classic hero’s journey that had a perfect ending. 

I think Epic did what was right, here. They’ve got sales from PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, Android and who knows where else, they can live without Apple’s taxes and most of their users have another device they can use.

How does this situation have anything to do with injustice. Justice is a purely human conception. There is no such thing in the natural world. A hurricane does not discriminate between wealthy or poor people.

Am I the only one who thinks the old one of Iceland is better than the new one? Adding more colors clutters the whole map. In the old one I can see the roads, in the new one they are a lot harder to see.

This is an interesting group of responses. Wish I could tag people in replies. First, let me say I am extremely progressive. We’re talking -7.5, -4 on a political compass, Green Party with guns. However, I don’t just “believe all anything”. I have no ties to D’elia, I don’t think I’ve seen his standup, I only know

So poor white kids who are also without internet access are just out of luck, right? But that’s ok.....white privilege and all.