
Oh off shore would work here just fine, but they get blocked every time they are proposed. And while I don’t want to make it a political thing, it tends to be democrats blocking these off shore wind farms because of looks as you mentioned. Then you have Texas, probably about the redest of the red so to speak, leads

Residents of the UK were told that nuclear would be so cheap that they would be paying us to use it, still waiting on that one

And Texas, for all the bad rap we tend to get, is by far the leader in wind energy production, with almost triple the production capacity of the second place producer Iowa. The problem with off shore in the US has in the past been projects being blocked outright or attempted to be blocks by politicians. And these

There are now nearly 60,000 wind turbines with a combined capacity of 107,443 MW operating across 41 states, Guam, and Puerto Rico. U.S. wind power has more than tripled over the past decade, and today is the largest source of renewable energy in the country.

 One scientific study estimated that ridesharing trips can cause roughly 69% more pollution on average the low-carbon trips they’re displacing, such as riding the bus, biking, or walking.

What?  What are you saying?  Are you secretly one of those ‘poors’ we keep hearing about?   You’re actually saying that those that have the money to just go buy a new electric car ARE NOT in the same pool of people that need a gig job to not starve or be homeless?

This’ll discourage part time drivers from joining Lyft and Uber week just to work a few hours a week. Especially if they don’t want to have to buy a new car as a job requirement.

Yeahhhh.... not going to try that in the wild.  The ‘hippie raised on Disney gets eaten by bear’ stories sunk in a little for me.

Mostly that’s a list of “The author doesn’t know what a subsidy is, but doesn’t like airlines for some reason.” Which is odd, since his website is dedicated to complaining about airlines.

Airplane mechanic checking in here. This is no outside the parameters of normal usage or in this case lack of usage (airplanes in storage). The 5th state bleed air check valve is a spring loaded plunger like check valve who’s purpose is to prevent back flow of 5th stage bleed air from the other bleed systems on the

Yes, the whole article is hot garbage. But that’s to be expected.

What makes you think a state-run airline manufacturer could never have a problem with corrosion? How is this issue in any way specific to capitalism?

How is this an indictment of capitalism?  

Yeah, you’re kind of going to have a bad time if you’re out implying that reliance on evidence and proof is foreign to black people. It’s at least somewhat reminiscent to 1970's hippie suggestions that the insistence that arguments actually have some sort of factual or logical support was a patriarchal oppression of

Says the douche all in on censoring peoples’ speech and policing their language.

I think the better question is, why are you so fucking concerned with what other people think?

Sounds a lot like Gizmodo.

The lede here is pretty misleading, with its bold assertion that South Americans reached the islands. Alexander Ioannidis, the lead researcher, says very clearly that the DNA evidence could equally well be interpreted as the islanders reaching the Americas before returning, perhaps bringing some South Americans with

Kotaku is the National Enquirer of game journalism so I’d expect no less.