
Except the borders were closed on March 20th, sure there are some exceptions but those exceptions were few in number. So for all intents and purposes the borders were closed.

Getting your first case a month after it became clear it was a major pandemic and closing your borders when you have only 52 cases helps too.

The hate keeps me warm at night.

80lbs isn’t that much ammo, that is around 3,000 rounds of 9mm. When I was a competition shooter I would go through that in a weekend.

I wondering what was published and wanted to see everything else was published. I found the segment on Business Wire:

Twitter is filled with a mass of Karens that take joy in attacking people.

Bullets for reloading are typically sold in packages designed to fit in medium flat rate boxes. My postman hates when he gets those 60lb boxes of lead, and I typically ordered 3-4 cases at a time.

And since the incident regulators changed the requirements to avoid single points of failure. Yes some aircraft do slip through the cracks, and most of the changes are written in the blood of the victims. But we’ve steadily marched toward improvement.

I don’t know the details you would have to ask someone familiar with Airbus aircraft. But considering three crazy dudes mostly landed an airplane on engine power alone, doing it with trim and rudder wouldn’t be impossible.

People say that, and perhaps they are right for certain jobs (like I imagine farm labor would be very hard to fill), but when that chicken factory was raided, the job fair was pretty well attended.

Unless it has changed with Airbus, in the event of a complete computer failure it has a manual back up.

China isn’t as cheap as it once was, and a lot of production that requires labor is being outsourced from China to other countries in Asia an Africa. But that outsourcing is by Chinese companies, so if you want your scarf or laptop you are dealing with a middle man.

Most proposal prohibit offsetting.

It was 30 years ago, they might have been told and simply forgot.

At least based on what is being proposed these probably aren’t going to help against future regulations. As they want to cap the entire sector rather than increase the efficiency per seat mile. Which IMO makes the goal is less about making air travel more efficient but to make it go away.

I’m well aware of that, but Google can’t arrest you and throw you into prison.

I disagree that having relaxed stability would be acceptable in airliners. A pilot in a F-16 can punch out with a reasonable chance of survival if their computers failed, the crew and passengers on BWB airliner won’t have that option.

These powers didn’t protect us from prior terrorist attacks. So personally I am willing to deal with some theoretical terrorist attacks than to give up my rights to not be surveilled online without a warrant.

I’d take your opinion more seriously if it came from someone that didn’t claim that the bill of rights doesn’t apply to states.

Except when it doesn’t. The Max is flyable without the MCAS, it is sort like driving a front wheel drive car or flying a helicopter, when you put in engine input you have to counter it. If the BWB is as unstable as a delta wing at low speed then a computer failure would mean that the aircraft is very dangerous to land