
He’s probably a member of the CCP’s 50 cent Army.

I don’t carry water for Trump, I dislike spin cycle that people apply to news.

The only thing new I guess is the scale model. The X-48 was developed by Boeing, and were actual flyable models, and testing some things that couldn’t be computer modeled with 100% certainty (like they weren’t sure what would happen if you stalled it).

You mention Northrop, but failed to mention that Boeing has been playing with this concept for decades, but each time it is dropped because passengers didn’t like the mock ups, and it would be uncomfortable for people on the outer edges of the cabin.

No they didn’t change the rules on them, they attempted to play semantics, “We aren’t testing at home, we are just collecting samples at home,” really?

Nice spin. They stopped the SCAN project because they were attempting to operate without an EUA. The FDA has been hesitant to give an EUA for self-collected tests because improper swabbing can result incorrect test results like false negatives.

While this newfound embrace of telecommuting undoubtedly opens up opportunities for folks who may lack the finances or ability to relocate to one of America’s tech hubs...

This needs to be toward the top, let’s get this person a job.

*blink* I can’t believe I have to say this, you do realize that the Bill of Rights applies to states as well? Virtually every amendment that protects right of the people has been incorporated (the legal term for being applied to the lower governmental bodies) except for the 7th and a few parts of the other amendment

I must have missed the part of the constitution where it says “The bill of rights doesn’t apply during a pandemic.”

Yes you do if it is constitutionally protected speech. States of Emergency don’t preempt the constitution.

It is, but it is good to see the other side’s arguments rather than sticking in the bubble that is Facebook and your friend network.

The people projecting their idiocy out into the wind is the only reason why I go to Twitter. The public conversation is the only thing that actually makes me go to Twitter.

IMO this would break down the whole point of twitter, the public conversation threads and make it the same echo chamber that people get on Facebook. And if Twitter becomes Facebook-lite, why would I bother going there when I can just stay on Facebook with the much more robust privacy settings?

No I wasn’t arguing that point period. If you interpreted any of my comments as support for the effectiveness of the drug you were reading them wrongly.

Except they aren’t harassing a woman, they are harassing a deer, and a male one at that (antlers are only on make deer).

I have 25 hours of meetings this week, and these are meetings I have to be an active participant. So I feel your pain.

Wow that is a long post debunking a claim that I never made. I made no claims about the effectiveness for fighting COVID.

One questioned what it meant for the Democratic party, which has viewed itself as more defensive of Americans’ civil liberties. “We need to look at ourselves and say, ‘Why on earth is the Senate the body that is producing the more progressive government privacy legislation and not the House?” they said. “Why is