
Oh I am well aware. Except doctors do take stabs in the dark with critically ill patients. They aren’t just picking drugs at random, but attempting to use drugs that treat similar symptoms. What does hydroxycholoroquinne treat? Inflammation? What is one of the killers from Coronavirus? Inflammation of the lungs.

Still not good for you.

That may be the way it works in your country, but off label usage is very common in the US. Particularly with generic drugs, as they don’t have a well funded drug company willing to spend the money to get approvals for new usages. Until they are approved drug companies are not allowed to market for the new usage, but

You do realize your second sentence contradicts your first sentence, right?

If people are willing to pay for it, more power to them. But they do need to understand what they do is all based on disposable income, when the country has less disposable income they aren’t going to be getting as much of it or any.

When taken under a doctors supervision, it is normally safe.

It sure is, but approved for what?

That would take months of closure, China did a hard lock down of Wuhan for two months, and did soft lockdowns of most of the rest of the country for the same period and they are still having virus issues. We would also have to close our borders (something we can’t practically do, as we are required to let citizens and

Meanwhile, back at the FDA, the approval standard is that a drug must be both safe (when used as directed) and effective — proven so in trials...

Every cosplayer I talked to said they were hopeful that conventions and cosplay can survive this ordeal, though none of them knew how or how long it would take.

Or we can realize that the death rate is quite low particularly in the suburban areas that make up much of the country, and with a few protective measures like social distancing and masks where possible/needed, we can keep the curve low enough that we don’t have unnecessary deaths due to an overwhelmed medical system.

Phase 1 isn’t testing if it works, just finding out what the safe dosage is. A lot of medicines fail on phase 2 and 3 because they are found either to not work (or well enough) in humans or aren’t much better than the standard treatment.

And we are supposed to stay closed until we hopefully develop a vaccine for a category of disease that has never had a vaccine developed for it?

I doubt that a true China Wuhan style lockdown would survive regardless of who is doing it. You are basically detaining a large group (a city, a county, or a state) of people without due process.

The Constitution applies to local government as well, as far as I know every amendment in the bill of rights except the 7th has been partially or fully incorporated to apply to local governments. And the partial incorporations revolve around juries and grand juries, all the rights that people typically think of when

You do realize that there has never been a working vaccine for a coronavirus?

Whether you think it is the right thing to do or not. It is highly unlikely that the government can suspend core rights, particularly in the modern era where impositions on those rights are heavily frowned upon by the SCOTUS particularly when the digital alternatives are not just censoring speech but doing it at the

It’s not like the US is set up to handle a complete lockdown anyway.

We have a missile gap, but I’m not sure it as big as most people claim it is. Hyper sonic missiles have unique issues that I don’t think have been effectively fixed for use on moving targets with non-nuclear warheads. And if things escalate to using nuclear weapons, we are all screwed.

As it notes, the UK government has officially advised that “couples who do not cohabit” should avoid fucking, for the time being...