
I actually know a couple of the guys that did the movie (on the stunt side), and talking to them it isn’t like they have much choice, only so many movies getting filmed in Australia.

You are mistaking the purpose of the stay and home orders, getting rid of the disease was never the goal. And a three week period is awfully short, it took two months in New Zealand and they could actually close their borders nearly completely, as they don’t rely on migrant labor for their local food production.

Batman Begins and Casino Royale were reboots not prequels.

I don’t want a prequel because it isn’t needed. We don’t need to know every detail of a character, some mystery is good. I can’t remember a prequel that actually improved on the character.

But there is one thing all of these studies show is an effective tool to manage spread: social distancing measures.

No the difference is that they were able to close their borders when they had 19 confirmed cases. If the US did the same thing (which it probably can’t per SCOTUS rulings that we have to allow citizens and green card holders back in), we would’ve had to close our borders completely in early February. You know the same

You can tell them, but you can’t order them with criminal penalties for non-compliance unless there is already legal framework to do so.

Quote the article and section, because I searched the Wisconsin Constitution and there is are no sections relating to expanded emergency powers for the executive branch. And reading through the article defining the executive authority and the ones cited by the decision I find no other listings related to expanded

The court requiring the executive branch to follow established legal processes for how laws are passed is fascism.

Posting the same copy and paste that often has nothing to do with the comment you are responding to just makes you look like a bot.

The entire bottle, I peeded chloramine vapor for a week.

The fact that it wasn’t unanimous is troubling to me. This wasn’t some controversial way of justifying why they wanted to strike the vote down. Separation of powers is a core part of our governmental system. To allow elected officials to ignore it just because they are of your party is a concerning expansion of

You get used to it. There is one dude that replies to a lot of comments with “Drink bleach boomer.”

Read the decision, it was decided on a fairly simple separation of powers argument. They made no decision on any rights arguments (if any were made).

Because expecting elected officials to follow the law is idiocy.

How is it unconstitutional?

Herp a derp Fox News.

That isn’t what I saw, his biggest criticism wasn’t directed at Trump but states that ignore the guidelines and reopen sooner.

Based on the reading I’ve seen that the reopening phases aren’t that much different. Just that the CDC had much more detailed guidance on tracking cases and planning for a second wave. But these are all rumors we will see what the differences are in the coming weeks as I seem to remember that the CDC Chief said that

Apparently missing the point that lockdown, even as poorly followed as it was here, worked.