
We locked down because the projections was that the US would be Italy 2.0 with the hospitals overloaded and people dying in the hallways. So we went with along with the lock downs so we wouldn’t have the preventable deaths due to hospitals being overloaded.

Yeah but no one would expect it to come from space.

I am willing to bet that it won’t be nearly as explosive as you think it is. He has routinely emphasized that the President is on the same page and any friction is made up by the media. So unless those are complete lies, I think that there will only be minor disagreements coming out.

I agree simple stories done well can make great movies.

Star Wars was never a complex story. If the original trilogy was the classic hero’s journey, then the prequel is the classic hero’s fall. Because the best villians are the hero’s in their head cannon.

Uses USB-C for faster charging...

Uses USB-C for faster charging...


Good luck with that.

Exept that the Chinese and Italian lock downs were a lot longer than a month, and still didn’t get the case counts to zero.

Just because they are trying to solve it doesn’t mean that the problem has a practical solution that we can reach soon.

Except they likely are going to die. There have been several articles on Gizmodo about how this virus is here to stay and likely won’t be eradicated until we have a vaccine, which might not even happen.

Modern aviation is extremely efficient compared to what it used to be. The 737 Max uses a third less fuel per passenger mile than the 737 NGs. Modern airliners like the 777 and 787 uses 20% less fuel per passenger mile than the 747-400s that they are replacing while carrying twice as much cargo (the 777 literally

Taking a puff piece written in a magazine, likely because API was an advertiser isn’t the best source.

It could also invest resources in developing electric planes, like Norway, which has committed to electrify all flights by 2040.

No, the company wasn’t even formed when the first commercial aircraft, the ones widely known for having winglets were delivered. What API developed was the blended winglet concept, which was an improvement over earlier winglet technology.

You know those winglets at the end of airplane wings? It was a environmental remediation contractor that commercialized the technology...

The meltdown wouldn’t be good for Airbus either, their orders will dry up too. But BA is one of the last western operators of the 747 for airline passenger use, so if they are buying aircraft replacing the 747 with 777Xs would be a good candidate. As you not only get increased efficiency but more cargo capacity.

And a clean sheet replacement wouldn’t have been a drop in replacement. Knowing a couple of Boeing engineers there was a real push in the company to clean sheet the 737 replacement, but they didn’t have the engineering capacity to do so at the time. AA’s press release forced them into the Max.

It would be nice to at least offer the people in other states at least a day or two per a week to drop and pick up devices for repair.

I’d think the biggest reason for discrepancies is number of people tested, as Florida has only done about 400k tests to California’s 750k, and New York’s almost 1 million. California is only 20k more cases than Florida, and has done almost twice as much testing, there’s definitely some under representation of