
Which had nothing to do with the Max’s failure. Something as simply as using a traditional stick shaker would’ve made this whole discission something that the only people that weren’t in the industry that would argue that stuff would’ve been the geeks on Airliners.net. Particularly when it was the airlines that

Except management missteps had more to do with the Max’s failures than anything engineering related.

Mine is right under an AC outlet, so that keeps it cool.

Different divisions, different budgetary restrictions, and different goals.

Extremists, I’ve believed that the news hasn’t been unbiased since at least 2002. I saw first hand how a reporter came up with their story and went to find facts and opinions to fit their point.

Note that I said “again,” but there was a period where at least an appearance of having no outward bias in the news section was the goal.

I remember them being called “Engine Demo” or “tech demo.”

That is because the news has gone from being paragons of virtue presenting pure facts from both sides in their news sections to being partisan muck rackers again often with opinion routinely mixed in news pieces. It is almost like Gawker and Buzzfeed were the future of news.

Since codes are bound to accounts, they would be subject to the same issues as above. Taking PC games/software, for example, even if you buy a physical edition, there is a key you must use, which is tied to an account. Your account gets revoked, so does your entitlement for the product.

2 + 2 = 5

I’ll be surprised to see if this lawsuit ends up making any waves.

A news outlet exercising discretion and curating the kind of content that is spread on their platform is not a free speech issue.

Acting like that is all that they are censoring now is disingenuous. They have a long list of terms that automatically get your post censored, no attempt at seeing context just into oblivion that is an overworked appeal system.

“...freedom of expression within the framework of international norms of human rights”

This might be good, because of the hi-jinks that he was involved in. On the other hand it might be bad because a family running it might be more concerned with the overall long term health of a corporation as it is a family asset than an otherwise unconnected CEO running it based on the short term gains that will get

As someone that has friends that are both left and right. The right wingers are the ones complaining about privacy invasions, with some left-wingers joining in, but most left-wingers are “It’s ok, this virus is more important than rights. Do you want people to die?” (paraphrasing no one literally says this).

Meat supply is just the first commodity to be affected as it has a fairly short supply line. This will ripple out affect most food.

You do realize that entire food supply line is being disrupted? Beef and pork shortages are already happening. Poultry likely isn’t far behind.

Thankfully the nursing homes have been doing pretty good jobs. I expected Florida to almost literally be a graveyard due to our elderly population.

Why develop their own battery when we have established tool batteries?