
True, but I also believe that the police really should investigate all credible attacks. Of course the police has limit manpower and will prioritize what gets investigated. And that is part of the reason why Jussie should be punished if this is found to be a false report, he probably diverted hundreds of hours of

And it’s generally good to believe people who say they were attacked - most of them do not lie.

Your mistake was staying at the same company for so long. Outside of the tech industry and extremely large companies, most private companies don’t have enough upward mobility for IT workers (and many other support positions like accounting) to ensure that position (and with it wages) correlate with your current skill

Psychology, they made fun of something that they didn’t understand fully. But when they finally took time to understand the culture they found aspects of it that they enjoyed. Also kids are horrible creatures, we all have done thing that as adults in retrospect we regret.

To me the problem with cultural appropriation is that outside of Sentinel Island all culture is a fusion. The Japanese culture, even before western influences was a fusion of the culture developed by the first non-native settlers on the island with influences of the Korean and Chinese peoples throughout the

Not quite the same, for every brand cult owner of the traditional cars there are many more who purchase that brand for the same reasons everyone else does, it has four wheels and suits their needs.

Anyone who makes more than $15mil a year should have any income (through whatever bullshit loophole they use) past $15mil be taxed at 95%.

Part of it should be that it didn’t mean like an actual finger ring. If she used the proper kanji for that (指輪) the tattoo would’ve only been slightly off but the meaning would be understandable.

As long as I’ve been alive it has always been a political event for the President, with relevant Presidential guests to whatever issue the President is going to push during the speech.

And that is ignoring the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans that regularly make more than $10M a year don’t make it through traditional work, but investment (which can also refer to the value of a corporation that they own). And few actually pull that money out of their investments, they instead reinvest

The U.S. Postal Service is one example. FedEx, UPS and all the others already charge much more for their services than USPS does. They also won’t deliver to many of the destinations USPS will. How much more will our friends in flyover country pay for all things delivered if the Republicans finally recognize their

First off this is a comment post, not a fucking Wikipedia article, I am not going to spend hours doing a precisely cited post, particularly when I am using observations I’ve seen or have been reported first hand by providers. Second off I am not going off of gut feelings, no I am going based on past experiences. Point

You’re going to need to back up the claim eliminating several dozen identical insurance companies with their administrative costs and bundling them into a single governmental entity would in fact increase that cost.

Not really, I had a tumor removed, the surgery was only a week and a half after the appointment that resulted in it being scheduled. And that was only because I needed to make arraignments (much to the displeasure of the surgeon that wanted it removed before it spread). He wanted it done on his next surgical day that

A long wait time for an elective surgery can result in a worse prognosis for the patient. For example a knee replacement put off a year or more could result in the other knee having to be replaced. Also the patient could end up moving around less which can have negative health results.

Those “renewable” plans still rely on baseline load from other non-renewable sources. How that is achieved depends on the size of the company, and how the state’s energy reliability council (which I am not sure California has one based on past issues) monitors the base load. But more often than not it means at the end

New homes hmm.... I’ve heard of such a thing but I’ve never lived in one. :)

...and the power grid in many places is fueled with coal right now. That’s slowly changing, but it hasn’t happened yet...

There is also a fact that you need a certain amount of air flow or you get sick building syndrome. In commercial buildings they do this with HVAC systems that mix in a certain percentage of outside air, but most homes don’t nice HVAC systems like commercial buildings do.

Or I could simply be poking a little fun, I often joke that is is the only action I get all week.