
Pedophilia is in the DSM, though it has been recently tempered to say that it only applies to those whose urges interfere with a normal life. Though I would argue that someone with mild case of a mental disorder still has it even if they can keep it under control without the use of medicine. But I am not a mental

They also are very common for things like simply being Friday. I remember as I was being groped by the TSA (since I am an opt out) I saw the huge line and I commented “You would think they would schedule enough employees to cover this.”

Those terms are used because pedophile can’t work. Pedophile is a medical term for people attracted to the opposite sex before they are sexual mature, which we believe is wrong even by the natural order of things, so it is classified as a mental disorder. While hebephile/ephebephile is weird and mostly illegal, but

Here’s an idea, kill everything that isn’t LTE and repurpose THAT spectrum first.

Cute girls doing cute things shows rarely gets much hype in the west.

Don’t read the Congressional elections, or any election in recent history for that matter, to actually represent all of America. There are about 325M people in America. In the 2018 election (finally found a source) 61M voted Democrat (most of them mainstream Democrats as 71 out of 78 liberal challengers failed), 51M

Its not about putting a company out of business. Its about drawing negative attention to a company to get them to change their policies. Which happens all the time and works well.

That must be why Chickfla is out of business? Oh wait they are still completely packed. Nike doesn’t seem to be hurting even though a lot of Republicans said “I’m never buying another one of their shoes again.”

Actually they aren’t, neither are Republicans. Out of 325M people in the US, those voted for Democrats accounted for (using the 2016 elections because NYT removed the stupid popular vote tracker from the midterms) 66M vs 63M for Republicans. Combined that is 129M is less than a third of the population of the United

I’m also not thrilled it took them that long to take even that tiny reparative step.


Yeah, not happening. I’ve had HUGE errors where the most I’ve gotten is a few thousand points or maybe a refund for a single night. They aren’t going to comp someone’s entire stay for that argument.

It is a no-no if the photo isn’t cleared by the government, since Trump is the government it isn’t a no-no. It is frowned upon, but not illegal, to post anything that could violate PERSEC (personal security), but as long as everyone is a willing participant and knew that they were going to be in the photo that case

You are right it is a staged photo op, just one in Iraq with SEALs. SOCOM units don’t quite have the same levels of freedom that they once had, particularly when they are at a normal base and not a remote outpost. So requiring them to be shaven, and to be wearing a clean proper uniform to meet the President is hardly

Not really, the services post a ton of uncensored photos of Special Operations members. In fact it is often only the unoffical photos that are censored, or someone needlessly taking an official photo and censoring it after the fact to make it look cooler (I see this a lot).

Number 3 is why I think that having a few host cities would result in better Olympics. Try to cultivate say at least one maybe two host city/cities on each continent, and move between them regularly.

For the Nordic people biathlon isn’t a sport, it is practice for the next war with Russia.

That would be my guess, when I lived in Irving the local post office would sit on the packages (as using USPS as the last mile puts the mail in the lowest priority delivery category) for 2-3 days minimum.

It really is already.

So you agree, people don’t make the same amount. Glad you refuted your own argument.