
“I think that if she was white and/or male, she would have gotten 90 days. I’m totally serious. Our justice system is lopsided for people of color and it’s not right to just accept that like most of society does.”

You’d probably be wrong, she was at the tail end of an era where they were giving hard sentences to

No you don’t, you keep insisting unionizing means everyone makes the same amount. You apparently are only listening to what the corporate office says.

I don’t think you understand how unions work. Your views on unions sound like they come from what corporate management feeds you.

Because trying to encourage productivity is dystopian.

The world doesn’t work the way you think it does. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a job that doesn’t include some sort of performance related pay or opportunities. Some are formal, some are informal, some have real money behind them, some are prize related, some are department based, some are company based, and some

So everyone gets the same shitty wage even the high performers.

Hyperbolic much? Only once have we actually setup camps for a minority group, and we were at war with that minority’s home country.

Keeping count is a progressive/diversity thing.

No, I work for one of many companies that do it. It is pretty normal, it is a way to reward high performing workers, and encourage others to be high performing at other times. Because lets face it, a vast majority of workers (particularly factory and warehouse workers) work a job for money, thus if you want better

It isn’t dystopian it is a pretty normal method to encourage increased work for a period. I worked at places where we would have monthly bug crunch contests where the people that closed the most bugs got a small prize and their names put into a pot for an extra week of vacation time to be drawn at the Christmas Party.

A lot of good sushi chefs will also brush Nikiri, sweet soy sauce, on nigiri that need it. Quite a few high end sushi chefs often feel that Nigiri should be eaten as it is made, but they tolerate people dipping it in soy sauce or adding Wasabi.

Although this sounds pretty disgusting as I am not a big fan of sweet main dishes unless they are balanced with heat, looking at the recipe there is seasoning (unless you definition seasoning is just dry ones), just not very much of it.

Well made nigiri will be spiced with wasabi and soy sauce, along with the rice having a slight vinegar flavor. The fish is typically the star of the show, but it is spiced.

Yes rape is often a eligible under most Stand Your Ground laws (which often included a list of crimes where use of force if authorized in addition to the general fear of great bodily injury), the difference is imminent or immediate threat. You can’t go down the street to execute all the drug gangs because they might

More proof that ‘stand your ground’ and other such laws are meant for white people and no one else.

Since this post I gave it a try and now have 16GB. So I think I have enough room to last until the new refresh of the MBP.

More likely they will just get a box filled with asbestos and broken glass, but no bag.

Perceived status symbol maybe. I don’t know about anyone unless you are driving something special (like a rare super car, or a meticulously restored classic) I could less what you are driving. And you probably don’t care about my generic silver mid-size SUV either.

It is both really. For transoceanic flights they allot so many containers for baggage, and so many for premium paying cargo. Any remaining containers is for saver cargo. But the 777s really added to the amount of belly cargo available, and brought the price of transoceanic air shipments down dramatically.

I’ve been under a variety of systems publicly owned, or local co-op are some of the worst to be under, as often you have no one to complain to as the PUCs typically only have power over the privately owned utilities for consumers issues. The only thing worse is a private monopoly with a poorly run PUC.