
If they nail—and I mean nail—the driving dynamics and give it comparable power, VW is fucked

I’m not used to extrapolating from concept car drawings/graphics. This doesn’t look like a car that would get made and people I’ve shown think it’s ridiculous as a real car, albeit beautiful for what it is as an artistic render. If Mazda is going in this glassy direction with dramatic points and curves then good for

They’d let the next person in the original lane go first inthe new lane though. Nice try!

That’s just how my big lifted truck is ya damn wimpy wimp

The door open and lights on thing is to be dramatic: the character is so wrapped up in whatever is happening that even muscle memory was defeated! It also looks awkward when you are telling a visual story with certain beats and a couple have to be wasted on unnecessary actions that don’t contribute to telling the

If you are still so frustrated that it starts to affect you mentally, even to the point of getting a headache, boy have I got the remedy:

The consumer is probably conflating ‘slimming’ with ‘looking like that famous person.’ They want to work whatever region but they also want to be slimmer. So their puny consumer minds put the two together. Businesses that sell things understand that consumers want things, not need things. If you package around real

It PROBABLY has something to do with the fact that the articles’ audience wants exercise moves, despite any confusion over the intended result.

The Inglewood thing might work out pretty well in that regard as well. And if the clippers can attach their arena to it they’ll be set. Except for the whole antipathy from Lakers fans thing

Yeah but if the profits come from suites what’s the point of all that other stuff? Why not just have a bunch of swanky restaurants like LA Live and let the plebeians figure it out? They always do anyway

Oh my God you make me laugh so hard

Lol he’s not a moocher. He’s getting refills. It’s part of the company policy. Much better than the folks who show up with a 4 day old cup and ask for a refill—claiming they came in the morning—or picking the most popular table and sitting there, not buying anything for 5 hours and then low-key hitting on every

Okay, everytime Ireally dig a female and I finally work up the nerve to hit on her, I’m most often disappointed to find she’s a lesbian! And not like to just get me to leave but we’ll become friendly once I realized it’s not going to happen and, like, later when I’m Facebook stalking like a normal person, she’ll be in

His dad’s a jerk but you have to remember that he’s building a brand. He’s an American building a business and I respect that. The media and slow companies have to have it in for him because his model threatens theirs

So basically more of a Formula 1 style track and race strategy? Smdh

Yeah, maybe give it 20 seconds to be thoughtful, but cars are designed to go at once. What needs some timeand careful driving is for the oil to fully warmup before you get gnarly on the throttle. That can take, like, 15 minutes, in the case of my year old GTI.

Unsnipped Forskinis

Y’all’er so bad

It’s fun seeing new players in old players’ jerseys. It’s a shame we don’t get to see a Bulls player wearing 23. That’d just be hilarious. A Lakers player wearing 8 would be awesome! If a player dies or is honored for historical/social reasons like Clemente and Robinson then retire that ish. But holding back a number