
I think the jokes’ being “subtle” fits in with the light-handed style of the rest of the movie, in which incredible things occur without much explanation.

I know right? I love to get open space on the freeway.

The California Stop is the norm in affluent Orange County

The Bay Area Swarm. On the highway and freeways, cars tend to clump together like gnats. The crazy thing is that the cloud will stretch across every lane, and the spacing that is maintained makes it impossible to pass anyone. It’s a strange, subconscious passive-aggressive driving pattern that I haven’t seen in

People that drive trucks as if they're sports cars don't give a shit about anyone else on the road. It's part of their "freedom"-based personality.

You guys, this is America. There's not a problem we can't solve when we choose to ignore it.

Yeah isn’t it better for environment to get a used gas car than a new EV? Get a Honda/Toyota/Lexus/Acura and replace all the important bits and then road trip the shit out of that thing until it’s got 250K. Then sell it to some college kid and know you did the world a mitzvah

A 500-mile range is mostly attractive because the charging infrastructure is weak, right? Because my Golf gets 350 miles per tank. But anyone who thinks this “truck” will be used as a truck is, I think, missing the point of it. It’s an outdoors vehicle for people that bring A/C to go camping. 

I just like my Pixel. Its less expensive yet with better UX. It may not have the long-term specs to be a solid phone in 4 years, but Apple stans don't hold onto theirs that long anyway

There’s tons of people who get face lifts even though they, to paraphrase Bill Burr, make people in their 50s look like 28-year-old lizards. It’s about having something that shows you are on the cutting edge, that you have money, that you arent just some vanilla rich person. Too bad the Tesla truck is ugly, except

Have we really gotten to the point where the wealthy will buy something because they know it is visually grating to everyone else?

Id love to see you both on Defector....

It’s basically a donation to the Maritime industry. All hail Lord Bezos 

Nothing worthwhile precipitated it. There's no excuse for putting yourself and any passengers in harm's way just to get revenge. If the other car drove dangerously, report their license plate number to the police for reckless driving. And if this kinda thing happens to you a lot, get a dash cam 

I don’t mind pinning a weaver if they fall into my lap, but I’m done with forcing it. If my blood starts to boil, I just distract myself with the radio. I mean, if they’re really bad, I give their license plate to the non-emergency police line.

I think combustion stays around because the infrastructure is there, and it can be really efficient and fun when done right.

The only difference between a new car and a used one is that you paid more for the new car, got to breathe in the toxic new car smell, and scratched and scuffed it up yourself.

No huge demand? I would definitely love to see another Master of None with him in it. Theres a very high demand for that from me. Standup specials are hit or miss, so I can’t say that I would demand them from any comedian, but I saw Aziz’s new one, and it was good. There were a few times he tried to manically make

Hey the police crimes are only as difficult to commit as the paperwork it takes to cover them up. If we can just tighten up the internal bureaucracy so that only honest cops can get things done, we should find the change we seek

Yeah, there are way more drunks and poor drivers that get away with it because they are apt (or lucky) enough. Drunk accidents certainly aren’t a given, or we’d hear about it WAY more than we do.