
hey montoya won seven F1 races. That’s better than mediocre, my friend. Mediocre is a few podiums, maybe a win or 2.

I feel like stories like this would make for great low budget movies. Rather than seeing yet another ‘great’ actor in a flawed character drama based on an over-rated play, it would be nice to see movies and stories in general about topics that are interesting but tend not to be explored due to underexposure of

What a fuckin’ dick. She’s just sitting there “what the fuck is he doing?”

I get being assertive and correcting something you think is incorrect. But, yeah, that was a whole other level of ‘taking charge.’ Especially if he comes back and wins. I think she would have a right of challenging that entire match to the point

It’s like watching Ray Romano and Jeff Garlin except two other assholes switched into their bodies with the intent to ruin sports television one middling take at a time

Except there are posted signs along the lane. And also if you are driving a 1.5 ton vehicle you need to know the rules of the road, local or other wise. I get that in our culture rules are what nerds follow, but sometimes they help people live longer, more productive lives and not on disability.

He crossed a yellow line. Can’t do that shit. The yellow line is basically meant to be treated as a barrier.

I usually try. But bikers are actually always riding my ass, lane splitting in dangerous situations, going twenty+ over the speed limit, etc. Those are just the majority I see on a daily basis. Maybe there is a special collection of roadways with responsible bikers and responsible drivers and they share the roadways

Oh, honestly, who cares what you think?

also if you get hit from behind your foot will come off the clutch and stall the car, meaning it won’t continue to roll after the accident, unlike if the car is in neutral. They teach it that way ‘across the pond’ for that reason.

The only thing I can think of is dispersing better jobs more evenly across the country, or putting affordable housing closer to where there are good jobs to, you know, shorten commutes. You can’t change human behavior though. Unless you offer incentives. Like sex or money.

It’s going to be one of those great online websites designed and developed by our oh so competent government. Like Obamacare, but better. Because orgasms. And then you go to a very crowded and poorly ventilated office building, where you pull a number and wait what seems to be an exorbitant amount of time to speak to

Dishwashers are too frilly as it is.

It should be law that ‘fun’ stretches of roads are dispersed at regular intervals throughout the country. And folks get to perform a public service by testing said roads and earning a tax deduction or voucher for a free sex act from a state sponsored sex-worker. I have many fine visions of the future.

he caught the ball bare-handed off a bounce and threw from the wall right to the chest of the baseman who nearly tagged the runner out. Failure isn’t necessarily a lowlight

does no one remember that first interview after he got elected? She was practically DROOLING with bullshit. You could tell the wheels were turning, that this was big FOR HER and she was going to use it how ever she could for fame and power.


With Glennon, I think it’s that he has some talent, has NFL experience, has no physical problems, and isn’t a head case like Cutler. And, all in all, if you’re going to be bad, why not do it in a way that seems fresh and different? It distracts the fanbase and the media because they want to see where it goes, and in

I’m sorry but this has to be fake. You faker!

Yes, but unfortunately you cannot measure the degree to which the young man would’ve survived had he worn the helmet so it’s a lost cause. Sorry, I know it sucks to lose to such a logical argument.

yeah plus he owns an LA team that was historically awful and yet somehow is in a better position than the Knicks and Nets long term.