and here I thought the only thing with rice immunity was the Minivan segment
and here I thought the only thing with rice immunity was the Minivan segment
Just something to point out, heuristics-wise: WHo the FUck are ANY of those names besides Chris Johnson?
You’re right when one considers the ever more prevalent safety assist features. Car companies are literally advertising around the thought that young people in general don’t pay enough attention to be safe when they drive. I never thought I would see this. Pretty soon there will be a lane assist commercial targeting…
No, see, what they did was take something like the doorknob and turned it into a fucking Rube Goldberg machine. Everyone knows how a shifter is supposed to operate. And they fucked with it, not for an actual purpose, but just to be different. Probably some faux design bullshit to approximate the ‘new technology’…
Why Jordan and the Bulls embraced the Triangle: Because EVERYTHING else failed.
Why Shaq, Kobe, and the Lakers embraced the Triangle: Because they got swept every year in the playoffs and were tired of being embarrassed and just wanted to win.
Why no one else has embraced the Triangle: Because unless these are guys on…
Any way we could vet the people debating over this stuff so that it’s clear how ignorant/informed they are? Lately I feel like the internet is just full of mobs mobs mobs of people.
At some point people are gonna be like ‘why I gotta be forced to breath air? Why I gotta eat food? And, why I gotta die? WTF. All this reality is violating my free will!’
wait. wait .wait wait wait. Dress shirts are supposed to fit and not look like they don’t fit?
One more question. Just to make sure. Is there, like, a way to measure my body and then co-ordinate those measurements with a shirt-maker so that the shirt fits just right?
For future reference, THIS is now the definition of Pennies on the Dollar