
How the FUCK is this plus 1??

Ummm, Brougham.

Deadspin will get sanctimonious about MMA in twenty years when its current stars are either dead or wheel-chaired bound zombies. MMA is a modern day Colosseum spectacle — just without Christians being shredded by lions or bears.

Nice Price or Crack Pipe?

No Yugo for you!

And his HBO shows/movies are routinely his best work of late.

Montana circa 1999 — No. Speed. Limits. And an open container of beer with a shotgun resting on the floor. All of it on black iced Elk flood roads. And all of it totally legal.

Happy Valley/Penn State Redux Syndrome.

So did my girlfriend.

What a shot, and by shot I mean the lead picture. Incredible.

This is true.

This is correct.

umm ... a word to the wise; never drink before 5:00. And, back off.

You just hit maximum Magary. Bastard. I chortled so much I woke up the kids.

and i am in the greys???????????????

Truly superfluous, take it down.

Well it can’t worse than putting a notorious Vegas Bookmaker and racist in the booth. That worked out quite well.

Wither the I Team?

Vinnie “Clams” to the courtesy phone, please.