How the FUCK is this plus 1??
How the FUCK is this plus 1??
Ummm, Brougham.
Deadspin will get sanctimonious about MMA in twenty years when its current stars are either dead or wheel-chaired bound zombies. MMA is a modern day Colosseum spectacle — just without Christians being shredded by lions or bears.
Nice Price or Crack Pipe?
No Yugo for you!
And his HBO shows/movies are routinely his best work of late.
Montana circa 1999 — No. Speed. Limits. And an open container of beer with a shotgun resting on the floor. All of it on black iced Elk flood roads. And all of it totally legal.
Happy Valley/Penn State Redux Syndrome.
So did my girlfriend.
What a shot, and by shot I mean the lead picture. Incredible.
This is true.
This is correct.
umm ... a word to the wise; never drink before 5:00. And, back off.
You just hit maximum Magary. Bastard. I chortled so much I woke up the kids.
and i am in the greys???????????????
Truly superfluous, take it down.
Well it can’t worse than putting a notorious Vegas Bookmaker and racist in the booth. That worked out quite well.
Wither the I Team?
Vinnie “Clams” to the courtesy phone, please.