
Da Beers.

“In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake.”

Were you awake for any of those screenings? Nembutal perhaps?

You must be the king of the world

If your vehicle’s sound makes dogs bark, you must be doing something right.

How could one leave out Disco Duck from this list? It’s Pacino at his Good Bad Bad Good Bad Good Baddest. Back to the Eggnog for me.

god bless and Merry Christmas

god bless and Merry Christmas

one for the thumb in 81

Do Americans care about gas prices: Yes, of course, if you are not living in NYC and make the minimum wage.

Leave it to Nick Lowe,

Hey now; he’s a Whalberg. Neither eye nor you can gouge what is appropriate behaviour for his kid, dont be blinded by the haters.


“I just don’t give a shit.

“I realize I’m sort of denying the following statement by commenting on this article in the first place, but ...”

So true.

Lauren: These posts are totally useless. Focusing on a single hit? It’s click-bait. There is no middle ground. Devastating hits start in the pee wee leagues: When in played and there were great hits (at eight years of age) and my coach, team and dad cheered. I grew up watching NFL “Greatest Hits” — usually by

and thus finds long lost winning million dollar lotto receipt

No Tom: This is Hell........

Wow! That’s tri-fucked ya of sports team fandom. Lord!