Powers for Good

How exactly do you picture your life would have looked like without socialism and liberalism? Look at sweatshops in china... I don’t get how you can profit from all the benefits socialism and liberalism have brought you, yet somehow think it’s the ruin of nations. Also, what exactly is wrong with muslim hordes taking

If able, the alt-right would now realize just how lonely they really are.

you can fuck right off with that bullshit.

In right wing American political discourse, ‘socialism’ and ‘liberalism’ don’t mean anything other than ‘I don’t like you.’ Remember that Republicans called Obama a communist Nazi. They have no idea wtf words actually mean.

Congratulations France! The majority of Americans understand the problem is not hate, walls or bombing each other. Sadly our system is very flawed and we ended up with an orange cheeto in charge.

Woah! The russian bots have taken over gizmodo’s comment section...now the AI hordes will come and take it over fully...bleep blop & iRobots are the ruin of blogs!

How is it sad? The majority voted for him. That’s what they wanted. Just like the majority voted for Hilary but our disgusting relic of a election system failed us once again.

An Odd statement considering our Founding Fathers were liberal.

I don’t think it’s a very bad idea.

This is why I’m hoping against all odds that an Anansi Boys show is in the works too.

Exactly my thought. For $1000, they should have Win10 Pro installed.

WTF. This is awful. $1000 for a laptop that can’t run apps outside the app store?

Dell’s XPS 13 starts at $800.

“These are crimes. It’s not something that you do in the line of duty. They are above and beyond the scope of what a police officer should be doing,” Miller said. “If these officers saw Demetrius do what they did to him to someone else, they would immediately put him in jail and he’d be tried and convicted — so,

Really surprised these are canon since they are little cartoon shorts. Still I am looking forward to them! (Cause I hate the mens which is well documented)

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.

Any military out there? How do you feel about this douchebag making life or death decisions for you?

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Rudolph, do us a favor, and stop equating inconsequential things to cancer. Makes you look unintelligent.