Powers for Good

I am disturbed by my own lack of faith in this decision.

...you can just hear the alt-right grifters salivating at their viewcounts for the next week, after they get off their requisite “LAST OF US WENT WOKE” youtube nonsense...

The best part of Andor was in its smallest moments - the musicians warming up before the funeral parade does so much work in grounding the scene and making this feel like a real world that people live in. One of the great advantages of making a multi-episode series rather than a movie is you have time for little

When I realized that the singular dramatic moment of that episode was watching a marching band from outer space form up, and someone blowing a brass instrument had more depth and tension than MULTIPLE ENTIRE TRILOGIES of Star Wars films, Andor crossed a line into something I have to evangelize. 


Maybe don’t assume you know absolutely everything before you start typing.

yes, please elaborate on your bad take. 

How so?

Loved it, She Hulk doesn’t take itself too seriously which is the best part. Still don’t know who Megan Thee Stallion is but it’s not my ballpark and i’m glad it’s accepting other audiences apart from my middle aged white dude persona.

No, it isn’t, get the fuck outta here, you incel.



Not really. It’s a show about a comic book.  Your issue is taking this shit way to seriously.  Personally I think we are way over due for twerking super heroes 

Because they’re all watching the same echochamber hate videos made by idiots recommended by the youtube algorithm.

I’m always amazed that as a British person it feels like I've actually read and understood the constitution far more than a lot of the Americans that hide behind it.

They all feed off the same sources of their hate. They love talking about how everyone but them are NPCs when they always parrot the same lines. 

These people must either have nothing better to do, or had what they consider a traumatic experience. Like he hit on a woman and freaked out when he found out she was trans.

Seems like it’d be exhausting to be so focused on something that doesn’t really affect you in any way. So focused that - for some reason - you literally can’t shut your mouth long enough to think about whether floating your crazy out there will have consequences.

Exactly. Whilst also conveniently glossing over that politics and agendas have ALWAYS been in gaming and pop culture. As long as it’s a worldview they’re already bought in on, or feel like a part of, then it’s not politics it’s just “the old old way things were”. I do get why, it isn’t exactly easy to admit to

Why are all these transphobic dickhead weirdos all the same KIND of transphobic dickhead weirdo? They never seem to log off.