Shutup idiot
Shutup idiot
I am unfamiliar with this guy other than turning his videos off when Youtube thinks I want to see them. My reason is because he looks like a Hobbit cos playing as a douche bag. I’m glad to hear my instincts were accurate.
Jon’s views aren’t based on real statistics, but from Breitbart bullshit. He argued that the most well off black person is still more violent and more likely to commit crimes than the worst off whites. Please don’t let him half-assedly backpedal from such a blatantly racist (and factually incorrect) statement.
How do I downvote you?
As opposed to being a established player griefing newbies? Karma is a bitch. Also tricking someone like this is called fighting smart.
I get it.
This book looks forward to killing you soon!
Have you tried swimming while carrying equipment that needed to be kept dry? It’s quite difficult. An inner tube allows you to hold your equipment in your hands and keep them dry.
Suprisingly, if you lucky enough to get the manga, Ninja Rantaro is pretty accurate/grounded depiction of Ninja
It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...
One of the things that makes Breath of the Wild so great is that there are no oversights. They gave you all of these tools. They WANT you to use them in any way you can imagine.
The video game industry is healthier with more competitors, not fewer. Unless everyone just converges to PC, we’re all better off with Nintendo making hardware.
Your Amazon/MS comparison is incorrect and has been debunked before.
The second and third paragraphs of the article sum up the crux of the argument and rely on verifiable fact. The article is too long and goes too wide, sure, but those two paragraphs are key.
Perhaps you think there’s nothing wrong with the contractor structure, and how nice for you if that’s the case. But the finance…
I would not put it past them. Gordon Murray once did something similar back in his F1 (not that F1) days:
It’s not more entertaining. It’s the same concept, even down to the same tags and thumb nail. I don’t really look into Tube drama because I’m not 15 but this would make me upset.
I’d play the hell out of that
House of Cards immersive sim where you play as Stamper doing dirty work for President Underwood.
Finally, a game where I can play as Kevin Spacey!
Those were the days. And now I feel old.