I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.
I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.
We don’t need an ideal world, just a better one than what we have now. I imagine part of that involves restricting the pay of smarmy, gladhanding assholes who provide, what? Leadership, I guess.
Counterpoint — Exxon’s $400mm man:
And FFS GM, stop making reverse lights come on when someone parks the damn car. You either:
They should put as much effort making sure backup lights can be noticed, too.
I went to one Pokemon card game tournament. I was eleven. I met an old, fat man who told me we’d play for keeps. Don’t know if I even knew the official rules, since my brother and I just made up our own version. He took all of my cards. If you’re reading this, old man, I hate you. You’re the fucking worst.
So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.
Got it.
Having read some of the comments on the previous article…
Man, it almost looks like you pulled that number out of your ass
Rush B
something something he’s a game developer something something shut the fuck up asshole something something this is relevant
I hope you never find yourself isolated from your family, and facing possible deportation, as well as an unknown future due to a tumultuous political climate. I hope that it takes less for you to gain some understanding of the human condition.
Except it’s not. Some people, anywhere from 60k to 100k have had their paperwork completely revoked.
Not temporarily.
Not for now.
Not for 90 days.
Gone. Useless. Vanished. No longer valid, and not even notified of the change.
Considering there is no rule saying that they cannot re-up the ban, concerns that they may start going after people within the country, expand the scope of the ban, and the general state of the country after only two weeks... oh and limiting his work options if he has to travel, it starts to make citizens concerned.
“Scared for our jobs” was the constant, ubiquitous norm at GameStop. I will not only vouch for it, but will go so far as to say most of these apologists are either company plants or young employees who don’t get around much. Kids in high school or college students looking for extra spending money don’t feel the same…
Having talked to something like 100 current/former GS employees over the past two days, I don’t think this is a vocal minority. I think it’s a sampling of a systemic problem affecting stores across North America.
I can promise that I am and will be continuing to follow this closely!
See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.
I currently work for GameStop. Yes, COL is a huge part of our business. However, if someone wants a new game, I’m gonna give it to then. Some customers prefer to purchase preowned so they can utilize the 7 day “Like it” guarantee. Why not have the extra security, if the game sucks, return it for full money back? I…
Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.
Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.