
I don’t know, probably that wrist mounted suction device they used in evangelion. That or science fiction magic.

Wow. So first, this looks awesome for an “8-bit” game, but I JUST finished animating a modern 2D ZS Samus yesterday:

Didn’t we already have a video game that was inspired by Heart of Darkness?

This is why I have always sought federal employment, but I wanted it right out of college because my mother was a state employee and her clock in clock out, no overtime, no weekends, lots of holidays, and 50% salary for life after retirement seemed like a great fucking deal.

I have a buddy who got hired for a sweet-sounding job where they told him he’d be traveling 1-2 days a week, the maximum end of what he was looking for, which he had explicitly told them during his interviews. Within two weeks of starting he was traveling Monday-Thursday/Friday every week. When he quit within 2 months

Yet 99% of all managers refuse to even release what the pay is until the offer, Wasting a lot of time.

Sadly its rare to not be excessively bullshitted during the interview process. Most companies pride themselves in making up crap and then being suprised that you wont gleefully accept their 40% below what you should be making offer.

I found that ignoring HR works well for this. MY current job I asked for $XXXXXX and

I agree. I signed on with the federal government and between the vacation days and holidays and actual 40 hour work week, I don’t think I can ever go back to the private sector. There is a special sort of bullshit that comes with the job - and I honestly wasn’t sure I was going to make it the first year it was such a

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I watched your name some time after Kotaku posted a list of the top ten most successful anime movies in Japan - It’s really great, I enjoyed it soo much! Especially the soundtrack fit in wonderfully into how the scenes were cut.

Seems to be only young people... What us older people value most in a career

Gabe should run for President. Seems right up his alley considering the terms stop at 2.

Takara also could not provide a Red Cross sticker for their Transformers Masterpiece Ratchet figure. But they cheated a bit:

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He’s always gonna be fondly remembered for this!

I’m going to be that guy: I would trade Halo 5 for this any day. This looks so much more engaging.

Probably because it’d be weird for him to start at level 1, and awkward for Diablo when you face against him:

That calf has Stockhoof Syndrome, you monster. Those cows are trying to liberate it from the chains of bondage you’ve wrapped it ever so tightly in. That or the leather gimp mask. Would it kill you to use pleather?

The venn diagram between 50+ year-old Japanese businessmen, people on twitter, and people who don’t take themselves too seriously is 3 circles loosely held together by this one guy.

The Sony exec seems to have a good sense of humor about the whole thing, changing his Twitter profile to read “50-something year-old man” and include a still from the show of him playing Space Invaders.